How to run an online brainstorming session
Brainstorming is all about igniting minds in new ways

How to run an online brainstorming session

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

You and I know that our situation has changed in a manner neither of us ever expected. There is a ‘new normal’ and the way we live, work and play has changed forever. There is an urgent need for managers to think differently. And do better. This is easier said than done. 

People need help to think differently. What worked for them yesterday, may not work for them today. Yesterday’s success may not be relevant anymore. 

Leaders and managers would need to get out of their ‘mental blocks’. It is not as simple as getting out of your room. Most often they are a prisoner of their own assumptions and logic. They would need the help of expert facilitators to get them out of their mental blocks. 

These facilitators understand business. They understand people. And they understand what comes in the way of thinking differently. Mental blocks. 

Trained brainstorming facilitators can help leaders bust mental blocks. They have a conversation with business leaders. Help them think of the best people who can give ideas to solve the problem. 

They understand people and what makes them tick. They help leaders/managers define the right problems which need solutions. 

And they are trained in a variety of creative tools and techniques. These help people think differently/creatively.

What do the facilitators do?

1. Understand and define the real issue for which clients need ideas/solutions

2. Help clients in getting the right people. To take part in the online brainstorming session.

3. Use a divergent and convergent thinking process. 

4. During the divergent stage help you use a variety of tools and techniques. To generate fresh new ideas.

5. During the convergent stage guide you on selecting the right ideas. For further idea development and recommendations for execution.

6. Help develop a set of solutions for further development and executions.

7. Support the execution team if commissioned. (If they have relevant experience and expertise)

Getting the best out of people is a leaders' priority today. Teaching them to think differently is a necessary condition for success.

"What is the basis on which you make these 7 points?" ** Prasna had arrived.

"I have facilitated over 400 creative block busting workshops in the last 20 years. Across industries, categories."

"But those were pre-Covid days."

"True. But the clients who were looking for ideas faced several changes. New customers. Changing preferences. New competitors. Changing market dynamics. Those were mini pandemics for individual businesses."

"So you will do these workshops for such clients."

"Yes. I am going one step further. I will train their managers to become online facilitators. And help them get the best results out of their online brainstorming."

"Have you done this before?"

I have trained facilitators before. During pre covid days. I have recently facilitated a few Creative Block Busting Workshops Online. The principles are the same. But the challenges are different. 

"What is the biggest challenge today?"

Not being able to see the participants or interact with them one to one. The way I could do during pre-covid days. But we learn. The chat box is a useful feature. You can ask people to post ideas in the chat box, instead of writing them on Post-It slips. 

"Does that work?"

It does. But the experience is different. 

"So what are your guidelines for facilitating a brainstorming session online?"

Here are my guidelines, based on my experience.

1. First get a clear problem statement from your client - off line. Do that a day or two before the workshop.

2. Discuss with client the kind of participants who should be there. And why. A mix of team members who are responsible for solving the issue. Not more than 5 or 6 people. The rest could be subject matter experts. Creative thinkers. Cross functional members and other stake holders. Choose a comfortable number based on the webinar platform. 

3. For the divergent phase plan various interesting stimuli. For provoking thinking and generating ideas. Prepare the stimuli as attractive slides. Few words, stimulating pictures. 

4. Allow about 5 to 6 minutes for each technique to generate fresh ideas. 

5. I restrict the techniques to about 10 to 15. 

6. Give a break after idea generation.

7. For the convergent stage work with a smaller group to look through all the ideas.

8. Step 1: Select ideas which are completely new ideas. Never thought of before.

9. Step 2: Group similar ideas into large themes.

10. Step 3: Write down all the things good about these ideas. What are the big benefits that we are likely to gain if we executed the idea.

11. What could be the potential gains if the idea was executed.

Now a word about the participants. Remember that in the current situation people are working from home. Unless you make your slides interesting and process engaging, you will lose them. Or you will get luke warm responses from them. 

Now a word about you. Your enthusiasm will make a huge difference to the participation. And the output as well. Preparation is the key. For an online workshop on "How to reduce interest costs by 50%" I had to put in 15 hours of work. There was another for a new brand. The challenge was getting trials from users. A third one was about an exchange offer for a retail chain. 

I remembered the days of radio. Popular programmes had great Radio Jockeys/hosts. (Ameen Sayani on Binaca Geet Mala on Radio Ceylon was a household name those days).

As a facilitator how you use your energy and enthusiasm must reflect in your voice. Where appropriate use short stories or examples to enthuse the participants.

And finally understand the platform you use and its various features. It would be a good idea to manage the platform. And you focus your efforts on facilitation. It will help you focus your energy on facilitation.

Finally remember Murphy's law. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". Stay calm and cool. Leave it to the others to fix the problem. 

Conserve your energy and enthusiasm. It will make a big difference.

Good luck.

"Aren't you giving away your secrets?" That was Prasna**

"What secrets? Everything I know about facilitating brainstorming/ ideation sessions is already in my book. I am only talking about how to make it work online."

"Do you think more clients would try brainstorming online?"

"Yes. I do. I am enthusiastic about adapting to the online opportunity."

"What is the online opportunity you see?"

"In my onsite workshops we had to limit the number of participants to 30 people. There is no such limit here. The break out rooms provide interesting options. In a way each breakout room is like a round table with 5 people. We could use these groups to convert ideas into solutions and recommendations."

"What else?"

"Clients save substantial money, There is no travel or conferencing costs."

"What else?"

"I see some of the large MNCs already using such tools. So I see technology as an enabler in this. I am optimistic that online brainstorming will flourish. The real answer lies in organisations training more facilitators who can use these platforms well."

"What could stop the growth of brainstorming online?"

"Not having enough trained facilitators who can use the various platforms. The few who can master them, will be the trend setters. And sought after"

**Prasna Rao is an unusual friend. He appears often when I start writing something. He asks questions that are razor sharp and often makes me uncomfortable. He is relentless till I answer his questions in simple, clear terms. You might find that he is almost always asking questions that you want to. He is always on your side, while he is putting me in the dock.

Vinod Dahake

Retires Scientist G & Scientist In charge MERADO Ludhiana CSIR / CMERI and Ex Commander (Indian Navy)

4 年

Good article and see strength. Loved " As a facilitator how you use your energy and enthusiasm must reflect in your voice" May I urge Sridhar Ramanathan to run few sample cases for India's problems like Agriculture, water, health care , population growth , education system ..



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