How RSD Recruitment Engages Employees

How RSD Recruitment Engages Employees

Millennials are branded as job hoppers, and everyone is talking about why. At Insperity, Amy Marcum comments on some of the reasons, including poor management, boredom, and job hopping to climb the career ladder more easily, which are all issues that tie in together.

So if employers are having these problems, what can you do to improve engagement?

Firstly, nobody enjoys a workplace which is boring - companies with rules which prevent people from talking for example.

It’s important for young people to feel happy in their role, and at RSD we’ve implemented some interesting ideas to encourage engagement including a staff room, complete with a pool table and basketball hoop, among other amenities. This is somewhere fun within the office to take a break, and unlike a lot of businesses who incorporate these things we don’t leave them to gather dust in a room we never use. What we’ve observed is more productivity and generally happier staff.

Of course happiness in your job isn't just about relieving boredom in the workplace, so what have we done to actively engage people in their work? As my article last week detailed, some of the things we've done is cultivate an understanding of our employees purpose and impact, as well as rewarding good work. Both of these tactics encourage that staff invest more time into important projects and take more responsibility for their work. Take a look at the article here if you'd like more information on how you can do this.

We also take a lot of time at RSD Recruitment to avoid future problems with management, with opportunities for entry level staff to progress in the company when they're achieving the expected level of performance, and hand in hand with this we invest time to implement training courses to help all of our employees at every level to do the best job possible.

Finally, autonomy is very important at RSD Recruitment. We treat the company like it belongs to the whole team and with so much keeping us invested that is exactly how we operate. With the freedom to interact with customers as each individual sees fit, and in the industries that each individul specialises in, we can demonstate our best skills, utlising them to provide a well tailoured service.

Naturally, every company works differently but it's important that your staff are happy and providing results. If high turnover of staff and frequent underperforming are issues your company is having then consider ways you can be a company that prioritises their staff. And as an employee, if your happiness is a continued issue in the workplace, maybe pass us a CV today.


