How To Rock Your Mindset
I recently had the opportunity to interview Sheila Mac and I decided to share some of the lessons from her life we spoke during our call. Let's get started!
1.Growth Mindset For The Win
- When she was in college, Sheila had to learn math because she was majoring in computer science. The problem was that she flunked math in highschool. In order to become proficient at her weakest subject, she studied for hours all day long and eventually became the best in the class. However, a huge game changer for her was first getting her mind in the right frame. When she realised she can learn anything, she was unstoppable
2.Believe It First
- After the devastating California fires destroyed her home and property, Sheila, alongside her 6 kids decided to ambitiously move to Beverly Hills, I am sure you understand how crazy that sounded for a single mother to say... Yet they moved and they prospered.
There is a fine line between winning and losing, and sometimes that line may be our own belief system. Study Sheila's experiences and I promise you, the world will be yours.
I write.
4 年Links To Our Interview: 1.Anchor: 2. Spotify: 3. Breaker: 4. Google Podcasts: 5. PocketCasts: 6. RadioPublic: