How To Rise Above Your Circumstances: In Short Form for the Busy Person
My dear warrior,
Tonight I was ministering to someone who was particularly short on time, busy and impatient when I was challenged to make my ministry as concise as possible. Albert Einstein’s quote “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” came to mind. And I realized, I was able to narrow down what one needs to learn in order to overcome turmoil in their lives and minds.
In order to rise above your circumstances (whether inward or outward), you must recognize that you are a warrior in service to your King and Commander. To gain peace, there are three key things I have learned that we must do to maintain our inner lives.
There is freedom from the burdens that life clamps on us like a ball and chain. Scripture is clear on the fact that we need to forgive others, and that we need to confess our sins. God doesn’t tell us to do these two things for kicks and giggles. He tells us to do this because He created us and knows what’s best for us in order for us to live well. The only way to find relief in your soul is to confess sin as sin and repent of it, forgive yourself and others and accept God’s forgiveness. Confessing sin, and forgiving others is the only way we can gain freedom, peace, and joy. Otherwise, that stuff clings to our souls like barnacles cling to a boat. They latch on and get thick and heavy and wear us down.
The next part, (which technically actually comes first) is worship. Since our lives are not our own, we must give God the honor, praise, and worship that is due Him. We don’t do this because He has a big ego or because He’s fragile. We worship Him because He is worthy — no matter our mood or circumstances. The Passion Translation calls it “warfare-worship,” because that’s exactly what it is: when we worship God, we wage war against the enemy.
Part three, as warriors we must learn to take. Molon Labe! There are things that God has made available to us in the spirit that we don’t need to beg or cry for. We simply take them. How do we do this? You say: “God I take [love/ joy/ peace/ patience/ kindness/ goodness/ gentleness/ faithfulness/ self-control/ rest.]” Take whatever you need in that moment, in those circumstances. To make it more personal, and to recognize that you are drawing on things of God, say “God I take Your peace for this moment. I take Your joy in these circumstances. I take Your rest right now.”
That is all, my dear warrior. Train yourself up with these three weapons of warfare and you are equipped for life.
Live in the battleground,
Warrior Beloved
?Michèle Aimée, 2017
Read the original blog here: