How the Right Mats can Help Address One of Todays Biggest Challenges-Employee Retention
Over the past year, millions of people have quit their jobs which has left employers struggling to keep their businesses afloat. With so many people leaving their jobs, employee retention rates have taken a toll.
In 2021 over 34.5 million people have resigned from their jobs. According to a survey done by CarrerArc, that number will continue to rise as 23% of Americans who are currently employed plan to resign in the next 12 months. You may be thinking why are so many people quitting their jobs? There are many contributing factors, but one of the most common reasons is because employees are unhappy with their working conditions.
While at work, employees deserve to be safe and well cared for. Often, small things that go unnoticed by management have a big impact on the employee’s experience while at work. Having a job can give workers a sense of satisfaction or on the other hand, discouragement. Having your employees working in unsafe conditions puts a risk on their functionality, safety, and health.
If concerns about working conditions are not acknowledged and addressed, employee loss will be a result. Unsafe working conditions are a threat to everyone’s health and safety. There are many factors that can make a workplace unsafe, but the two main ones are ergonomic hazards and hygienic hazards.
Ergonomic hazards are a result of improperly adjusted workstations. Employees who are frequently lifting, standing, and moving around without the adequate equipment, will become uncomfortable and risk getting injured. Having mats that are comfortable and the right fit will be one way to ensure your employees are safe and comfortable on the job.
Anti-fatigue mats have many benefits that will alleviate the issues associated with fatigue. They help reduce joint stiffness, headaches, lower back pain, and foot pressure. If these complications are not addressed, serious problems such as circulatory issues can be a result. Using anti-fatigue mats can reduce the pressure on your knees, feet and back by up to 32%. The cushion and flex of mats keeps the muscles in the legs and feet constantly contracting.
Not only will anti-fatigue mats help with ergonomic hazards they can help with hygienic ones as well. There are multiple types of mats to choose from, all of which are easy to clean. All you need is hot water and cleaning solution. If your work environment is oily or wet, drainage mats are a good option for keeping liquids off the floor and contained. Having a clean workspace for your employees will greatly reduce the amounts of trips and falls.
It is important to make sure your employees feel valued. Take a step to improve your work environment by using anti-fatigue mats that are designed to fit each work area perfectly. Make employees feel satisfied with their jobs again. A healthy worker equals a productive worker and that in turn helps with employee retention.