How to reverse diabetes type 2
Julia Cammoile
Owner at B-Strong Personal Training & Fitness Gym, Online Coach & Private Specialised PT & Mentor
Type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more common.
Its basically a condition which makes our blood sugar levels in our blood go too high.
It's usually linked to being overweight or inactive but can also run in the family too.
Common symptoms are things like being extra thirsty and needing the toilet more often, also excessive tiredness. More seriously it can lead to issues with your eyes, heart and nervous system. Some people lose weight without trying to. People over 40 tend to be more at risk.
If you are unsure / think you may have diabetes then do see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. They usually prescribe medication to control your blood sugars and give advice on your diet and exercise. As we all know, medication can have side effects too. I have had many clients not happy as medications have caused more weight gain! Other side effects can be things like bloating and diarrhoea, feeling sick, swollen ankles....
Obviously smoking and alcohol is not going to help either.
Diabetes usually gets worse over time too.
It will mean regular check ups and being aware of signs for other health problems which it can cause too.
Its a serious condition, certainly anyone would not want to have!
So if you think you may be at risk of suffering from diabetes or already have it, you probably are already trying to make healthier choices, which is great.
- What if there was a simple natural way to reverse it or stop it ?
I have helped many people over the years through nutrition and exercise gradually improve their blood sugar levels - many have done so successfully over time.
Really you need regular sessions with an experienced Personal Trainer so you can ensure you are doing the right amount and type of exercise for you for it to be effective. Along with that you need your diet analysing and re-designing to ensure you are giving your body exactly what it needs in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients and fluids too. ( I am always happy to help anyone re-balance their eating an exercise, so feel free to drop me a message. It is possible too even if you are not local to me - I have trained people long distance before - it can be done).
So I know it can be reversed. It is hard work though especially if you are fighting against medication too.
I am always looking for alternative natural options so that I can offer my clients a choice.
I came across something very interesting!
- This will not interfere with any medication you are taking
- It is all natural
- It is not expensive at all
- There is a money back guarantee
- It can be used to effectively reduce body fat / help you lose weight
Take a look for yourself on the link below......
(There is a FREE ebook on offer to everyone that takes a look so its worth clicking through for that!) Halki diabetes
FREE ebook: 11 super herbs & spices which lower blood sugar!....>>> See the simple habit to reverse type 2 diabetes and melt body fat: Halki diabetes
This is a just another option to help you prevent or reverse.
I would not recommend anything if I wasn't fully behind.
I would still recommend you exercise regularly and follow a healthy balanced diet, keeping treat foods and drinks to a minimum.