how to reverse acidity, ulcer
Is excessive acid production in the stomach causing heartburn and acid reflux.?Excess HCL acid in stomach can be from stress and spicy food
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition whose main symptoms (burning or chest discomfort) is caused by acid reflux.
--This reflux causes burning in the chest, typically after eating.
--An attack may last for up to several hours.
--Lying down and bending over may make symptoms worse.
--Severe reflux cause trouble swallowing a feeling something is stuck in throat or chest.
--or sour taste in the back of the throat.
--Reflux can trigger shortness of breath, asthma attacks and chronic coughs.
--Chest pains caused by reflux may mimic chest pain that occurs during a heart attack.
--If you are unsure about reflux vs cardiac chest pain. We conduct full medical camps across countries make sure we talk via zoom +254725971726