How to retain a work force?
How to retain a work force is a big problem.
This generally involves:
1.???To give better and timely salaries/wages
To give timely salaries is not a big issue provided the organization is in healthy financial condition. However, it also concerns the attitude of the Management because in many factories it is generally believed if you give payment late - may be between 15th and 25th the workers, in general, will not leave. In certain factories tactics are used to continue delaying the payment and hold for a month or so, so that the workers will not leave in the hope that if they leave their pending salary will not be paid or will be paid once the financial condition of the company will improve.
Both these tactics are not justified. Firstly, it could give the possibilities to enable the workers to unite and go for agitation or strike and secondly, they may resort to slow working. Unless there is motivation and willingness in the workers for the organization, the organization cannot earn profits and will never remain in a healthy financial condition besides opening the possibility for conflict sooner or later. Hence, I believe timely payment should be encouraged and all efforts should be made to make the payment on specified dates especially during the first week of the month to meet workers requirement for payment of rent, groceries etc. As for as better salary is concerned, if one thinks that one should give more salary than the other establishments to induce the workers to remain in their establishment and not to resort to change, it may not be true as it will add to the cost and it is possible that it may lead to unhealthy financial condition of the company. The workers want to earn more while the management wants to pay least possible to remain competitive in the market as well as with the competitors globally as also to meet the commitments of the buyers.
I think it should not be a question of paying double over-time, resorting to over-time or paying more salaries. I think to devise methods by which the worker can earn more than in any other establishment could be the right option which could be achieved by increasing productivity, by training the workers, their up-gradation, by technology development and by devising procedures for the least loss of time.
2. To give year-round work
If the factory does not have whole year work, they will be obliged to put the workers off the rolls and every time whenever the work will come in, they will be renewing the workers and as such all the training imparted and experience gained by the workers will be lost for the present factory and also it is possible that the same workers, if not doing the same job daily during lay off when called for, may not be as apt to work as they were trained for and made to gain experience. Hence, it is essential for the management to look up for various means to create the job throughout the year-may-be by tapping to different markets which could be in different regions, domestic or adopting to multiple categories of items, for example, one could think of markets in South Africa, Australia, Brazil etc. and for summer season to America and Europe and as for different categories are concerned - that a garment exporter could take to home furnishings etc.
3. To develop redressal systems
At many places complaint boxes are put up but in applicability, one does not find any complaint in the complaint boxes. If someone is noticed putting the complaint in the box, if he/she comes in the light of the administration, under one pretext or the other he/ she is put off the rolls. Administration wishes to keep the workers under their control which, in general, is pursued by shouting and rebuking them rather than explaining and persuasion.
To avoid any conflict and deterioration of efficiency in the workers, it is essential that environmental conditions are made healthy, work is explained, systems are evolved and the grievances whether individual or collective are redressed quickly. Even if sometime the administration or the administration in charge has to deviate from the established norms, each case needs to be redressed individually and tactfully but it is essential that procedures are set in to make the worker work in normal set rules and accordance with the system. It is also essential for the management to understand that work-force is the top most element for the working and survival of the organization, and as such it is their attitude, system of selection, appraisal of the worker before appointing him/her and during his/her working, it is important to realize that a worker who has been working for some time in the company, if he/she leaves, the establishment will be losing some amount of money which they would have spent in imparting and explaining the techniques of work. It is the thinking which will lead the management to take rather than punitive measures?
4. To develop incentive schemes
It is human nature that everyone needs to be rewarded which could be in terms of appreciation but at the end one needs to be rewarded by up-gradation and monetary gains. All workers cannot be categorized as equally trained, equally efficient, even if, working together, there will be some who will be efficient, more productive, amenable and willing for multiple jobs while others will prefer to restrict to their jobs and do the job more or less at their convenience to avoid physical tiresomeness. Incentives could be thought of individually as well as by team. By team it is preferable because it makes the group earn together and if it is developed in that case, the spirit of working together will give efficient results supplemented with the rules and regulations as well as leadership which help to increase the productivity and the quality of work. But it does not exclude that there will be some, who will be exceptionally efficient and deserve individual appreciation of Such persons with their initiatives, their attitude to cater to the needs of the establishment, ambition to learn etc. need to be rewarded by some incremental benefit and/or up- gradation by the management. Impartiality of the management is very important to allow someone to supersede their colleagues. Most of the factories accept incentives as an accepted norm but adopt different means to execute this. For example, it could be by giving double over-time or by giving higher rates as in the case of piece rate workers,
a) Rejection avoidance incentive etc.
b) Taking the workers to some excursions
c) Giving them some rewards on festivals or New Year eve etc.
I feel the above 2/3 are optional but the most important is that the workers are given incentives for their efficient working as a team and for specific assignments. Over-time whether single or double, I don't think is an incentive, though it encourages the workers to work in an organization which might be giving them double over-time. Even if, double over- time is given, the working capacity of the worker is a limited factor and I don't think one can work more than 10 hours maximum a day. By putting in more hours, I think the establishment remains a loser rather than gainer. Hence, incentives as suggested above must be tuned to the efficient working of the work- force during normal hours.
?5. To develop upgradation system
?As the responsibility of the individual increases with the passage of time, some workers feel contended to earn more by resorting to working over-time while others put in their efforts to upgrade them through knowledge and proficiency. Besides individual zeal the organization has to evolve some systems to upgrade the individuals by assigning set procedures which enlighten the workers about their future up- gradation and impartiality.
This necessitates training the work-force, motivating them, to become proficient to earn more, explaining them that it is their proficiency which can make them earn more and allow them some time to attend to their family needs. It necessitates one to work in regular hours but after normal working, to attend to their household needs and the children. Upgrading the work-force, however, involves:
?a) Upgrading the individuals and
b) Ensure growth of the company and opening new avenues
For individual upgradation, it is essential that monthly, quarterly, six monthly appraisals are done by reporting systems and the individuals who are lacking behind are explained and those who are efficient are appreciated. This procedure will make the workers to understand the impartiality of the management. To avoid any bias of the manager against some and preference for others, it is important that the senior ones of that department and the administration along with departmental head appraise the reports and give their decision through this system. The departmental head could keep his team intact and the management will succeed in giving truthful appraisal. The appraisal report must indicate the areas in which one is lacking and suggest how to improve and an appreciative note of the areas where one is good or excellent. The management must call the concerned person to hand him/her their appraisal and give opportunity to him/her to explain him/her.
6. To exercise and develop attitude of impartiality
Impartiality is a difficult subject and it requires following criteria:
a) Attitude of the owners and the management
b) Systems and procedures
c) Treatment by the management down the line
d) Transparency
e) Explanatory communication
a) Attitude of the owners and the management
To exercise impartiality by the owners as well as by the management, is a difficult process because at times the owners are required to oblige their relations, outside agencies, whom they deal with and whose recommendations become difficult to avoid; the judgment and appreciation of certain qualities and weaknesses observed by owners and management, of their staff and workers to remain within the bounds of the procedures laid down, to keep patience and not to get agitated by unexpected and undesirable actions and certain happenings contradictory to the principles of the owners etc.
All the above situations are difficult to control but attitude and consciousness to exercise impartiality go a long way to do any in-justice to the management and the work-force. Since owners are at the helms of affairs and they are the policy makers, their attitude does definitely get translated into procedures and systems by the management.
b) Systems and procedures
To show and prove that one is impartial, it is essential that certain systems and procedures are set in line, which are transmitted to each and everyone to know exactly what they have to do and what they are required not to do. Hence, the bounds of each and every person in the work-force are properly defined and procedures are set to ventilate unhappiness in their working etc. as also are formulated the systems for appreciation and up-gradation of the work-force. When such procedures are strictly followed, a great deal of power of the management and the owner is diluted and at times could result in indiscipline, laxity of work etc. Once the attitude of impartiality gets known to everyone by action and by systems, I think confidence in the work-force is developed and congenial environment is created which encourages the work- force to work efficiently and faithfully. It is observed, many a time, that while the owners believe in impartiality and want to do justice to everyone but the management down the line does not act in the same spirit and quite often it becomes difficult for the owners to rebuke or do away with such seniors who do not exercise impartiality in the spirit as desired by the owners and also invent reasons, right or wrong, to justify their action. This requires a lot of explanation, holding meetings, and doing explanation of various actions which went contrary to the spirit of impartiality and produced adverse effect vis-à-vis those of impartiality which generated dissatisfaction of the work-force manifested in their working.
c) Transparency
Transparency is reflected by action, explanation and by follow-up exercise of the systems. For example, if we think of up-gradation of the staff automatically, it is necessary that working of the staff at various levels is appraised at least every six months, if not quarterly or every month, but to avoid cost perhaps, six monthly appraisals could be the best answer. Question may arise when a post falls vacant, whether to make a choice to select a person down the line who is fit for the job as appraised by the management or an outsider considered to be more capable than the one inside the establishment. In such a situation it becomes difficult for the management to exhibit impartiality to the aggrieved person working in the organization. I feel, the principle of impartiality will lie in explaining to the person fit for the job but is being overruled by the incumbent, he/she, from outside who has more capabilities and could bring better growth to the organization, as also instead to give monetary benefit to the aggrieved one. The necessary explanation and convincing the aggrieved person will justify impartiality rather than just taking an incumbent from outside and not explaining the reasons why such and such was being taken from outside to supersede the one from inside.
d) Explanatory communication
All our procedures should be explicit, self-explanatory and whatever we want to convey to anyone in the establishment must be understandable in the language, spirit and action as one can capable to understand by his training, experience, knowledge and education. For example, a worker needs to be explained altogether in a different manner than an educated and experienced senior person. The explanatory communication requires that workers/ employees in the work-force are given the circulars etc. to read and understand and are later on called to explain their understanding and interpretation of the circular whether they have understood it completely in the spirit the management wanted to communicate.
If not, then it needs to be explained clearly and then put questions so that it is hammered out in the mind of the person exactly in the same notion as it was intended to be communicated in writing
e) Dissatisfaction despite explanation
It is possible some persons may not be satisfied despite manifestation of impartiality and explanations. The question then arises as to how to handle such a situation. Such persons, who are not convinced, need to be put on vigilance to understand exactly what they want, what the management can do and what not. If such persons do not seem to get convinced despite all explanations by the management in their true impartiality, then action as per rules is required to be taken to avoid indiscipline and maybe if improvement is not noticed, such person(s) is/are struck off the rolls and services dispensed with.
7. To fix practical targets
Generally, targets are fixed to please the owners and the management at higher level but when these are put in action and execution, generally, it is found that the production is far less. If this practice continues, the general impression is derived that targets are made only for namesake and these have no value at all. This gives a discouraging result and de-motivates the entire team rather than achieving the purpose for which the targets were set. Targets must be practical with a variation of 5 to 10 per cent and not beyond that. The aim should be that the targets are achievable with some efforts put in and the control exercised. Before setting the targets, it is essential to analyze all the steps, time to be consumed, work-force involved, capabilities and experience of the seniors and their conviction to achieve the targets. Targets are set by time and motion studies in production and targets are also set by the organizations to achieve their business growth. Targets for production are easier to achieve than targets set out for the growth of the company because growth envisaged shall involve the inner inputs in the organization which could be affected by external circumstances. It must be remembered that the growth of an organization is essential, minimum to the extent of inflation but besides inflation, to absorb the increase in increments and the benefits, the growth of 10 to 15 per cent every year is essential unless it is halted to stabilize and reactivate the working of the organization. ?
8. To develop loyal workers
To retain work-force, it is essential to develop loyal workers because it is they who will push the less active and less productive workers to do their job and would pass on the information to the management as to what is happening in the organization and in certain circumstances to advice as to what action needs to be taken. It is loyalty which certainly helps in the growth of the organization, in avoiding wastages and creates motivation in the work-force to advance the organization.
?How to develop loyal workers is a big question which involves:
a) Up-gradation of the workers
b) Preferential training and catering to their need
c) Attending to their grievances
d) Enabling them to earn more than that from the competitors
e) To be attentive to their personal and social needs
f) Assisting and helping them in the growth of their families, in general etc.
To develop loyal workers is an essential responsibility of the management and without a loyal force it is difficult to think of doing constant growth of an organization. The moment the management becomes conscious of this fact and takes steps in the directions, as pointed out above, it will be possible to create loyal workers.
9. To analyze and develop procedures as to how to upgrade loyal and proficient workers:
Creation of loyal workers could involve seeking information through them about the working and weaknesses of the organization, about their colleagues etc. However, the more we depend on them, there is every possibility they will become lazy and deficient and as and when any vacancy arises for promotion or extra benefits, they would expect to be given preference and if it does not happen, it is they who will become critic and disloyal. Hence, developing a loyal force needs a tact, keeping them distant, appreciate them for the information, but more important, they need to be explained and informed off and on that at the end it is their efficient working which will help them for the growth in their career.
On the contrary, it is natural, the proficient workers would definitely claim that when they have been, appreciated in their working and assessments, then why they are being ignored viz-a-viz someone else who is inefficient. I think proficiency should be given the priority. In general, it happens that if the proficient person is given his due recognition, he will become loyal and will work devotedly for the organization. However, it is essential to inform the proficient workers that their loyalty plus efficiency both are equally important for the growth of the organization and in turn their growth as well. Hence at some stage, they will become the desired proficient work-force, fully dedicated and loyal to the organization and as such the question of deciding between loyal and proficient workers will not arise.
As cited above, impartiality, openness and explanation to the workers will go a long way in retaining the work-force contented, proficient and loyal.
10. To develop policies for induction of new recruits and to retain experienced work force
The experienced work force generally is more detailed in the working but lack the planning caliber as is expected from the new recruits. There are, therefore, certain systems which are devised as to how to up- grade the existing staff who are assessed regularly in their working; the plausible answer seems to be:
a) Selection by written and oral exams for insiders and outsiders
b) Selection by test in the existing staff
I think, open exam both for outsiders and insiders is the best option as it gives equal opportunities for the insiders to compete and doesn't leave any scope for them to grumble. Insiders when they pass the exam will surely be more productive as they will possess the desired knowledge of the working of the organization, will get trained within no time. As for vision is concerned, it is believed that the ones selected from inside
To avoid imbalance and discontentment I think quota system should be adopted for various categories as under:
11. How to develop expression of views, socializing discussions, association of the work force and to keep the work force united as a team and remain motivated?
Expression of views, socializing and forming associations and unions is the right of the work-force and in certain cases it is even accepted at the senior level. I feel it is good to give the right but I believe when associations and unions are formed, sooner or later, it is not only the efficiency of the organization that goes down but it divides the work-force into loyal and anti-forces. As the experience goes, the anti- forces get influenced by outside affiliates and under their influence get used to create problems in some way or the other. If such a situation happens, this damages the working of the organization and ends up, sooner or later, in conflicts, legal tangles and of the organization.
The milder concept is to allow staff councils rather than the unions. I don't contribute to this idea also because I believe any division does affect the smooth working of the organization. I am totally against the formation of the workers association of any sort but I also believe that expression of grievances is their right. How to answer these contradictory situations is a big problem and which could be handled, I believe, in the following manner. The higher hierarchy must be explained that all systems and procedures as evolved by the owners, management, etc. must be implemented impartially, quickly, without any ego, favor or discrimination. The quicker decisions and actions taken are conveyed through desired explanations and, if required, by counseling will go a long way in alleviating the grievances and spreading wrong messages. It is also important that the administration remains vigilant against the outside elements which are sometime inducted in the organization through favors or omissions that create unnecessary trouble for the management. Hence, proper selection and scrutinizing of the work force is essential part and responsibility of the owners and the management. The management also must anticipate the problems and be attentive to listen to the brewing unhappiness of the work-force in the organization and be prompt to take remedial measures before it gets too late.
Proper, well-defined procedures, their un-biased implementation and impartiality supplemented with the formulated growth of the organization will go a long way in keeping the work-force contented, which, in turn, will avoid any dissatisfaction and uniting the workers in groups, associations etc. I compare the organization to a family. As the family runs without any bias by the parents for all the children, supplemented with love for all, the organization is a- like and the work force when treated in the same manner by the owners and the management, the question of division and association will not arise. As for association by seniors is concerned, I am totally against this formation because I believe the organization runs not by the owners alone but through the higher hierarchy of the organization. If this hierarchy for some reason or other gets disgruntled and raise their voice against the owners, then how will they render relief and justice to the work-force. On the contrary, as they will be dissatisfied, they could ignite the feelings of the work-force against the owners and such behavior will not only destroy the harmony but will land up in the closure of the organization sooner or later. Hence, ventilation of grievances by the higher hierarchy individually, I believe, should be permitted but they should not be allowed to get together, make a joint representation or form some sort of association against the owners or set policies of the organization.
If such a situation is created by some of the seniors at the higher hierarchy, the owners should be bold enough to dispense with the services of such persons. However, the owners need to be intelligent, conscious and judicious to redress the grievances rather than taking to the extreme situation of dispensing with the higher hierarchy without analyzing the consequences and making arrangement for replacement.
12. How to retain some of the workers who get handicapped and aged?
Handicapped and aged persons, of course, will be a liability for the organization but keeping in view the services rendered by them during their tenure does evoke sympathy for such persons and will create a spirit of admiration for the management. The management, however, is required to see what are the lighter and suitable operations which could be entrusted to the handicapped and the aged ones? For example, the aged ones could be taken to supervise pilferages etc. and for the handicapped, it will depend upon how and in what manner they are handicapped and what they are capable to do, based on their experience and their capacity to do certain jobs. Suppose, a person has lost his one hand, may-be he could be trained to perform some job with the other hand, but there could be certain extreme cases as well. Suppose a person has lost his eye-sight and is blind, what work could be given to such a person is a difficult question. The management must see whether they have developed certain social contributory devices like ESI, PF insurance benefits etc. to dole out some portion from the salary bill for this category. Maybe a minimum amount required for his/her living is taken out from the specified fund or charitable donations or salary bill etc. to meet the needs of such handicapped persons. However, each and every case will have to be studied as per the needs of such individuals which, of course, will depend upon the generosity of the owners and specific policies laid down by the management