How to respond when your well-meaning family is nosey about your career plans after graduation

How to respond when your well-meaning family is nosey about your career plans after graduation

By Hannah Vuozzo, Communications Manager

‘Congratulations! So, what are you going to do now?’

Your family might start asking this as graduation approaches. (Mine sure did!) While there’s much to celebrate, there might be an equal amount of uncertainty about what comes next, so you might not yet know the answer to that question. That’s okay!

There are endless directions to go from here. For some, that might be reassuring, for others, overwhelming. Either way, I’ve described four ways to answer that question and start working towards your future.

‘I’m exploring my options.’

If you don’t have a clue about which types of roles or even industries you want to work in, taking time to explore what’s possible should be your first move.

Research roles, industries and organisations. This could be by reviewing Prospects job profiles, connecting with and talking to alumni on LinkedIn, browsing vacancies on portals like Glasgow Careers, reading industry publications, listening to industry podcasts, visiting organisations’ websites or another activity.

Your degree offers a wide range of possibilities, and it can take time to identify and review them.

‘I’m recharging for what’s next.’

At the end of your degree, you might want a break before launching your graduate career. This can take many forms. You could travel, do a summer job, volunteer, work on a personal project or simply soak up the sun (if there’s any in Scotland, that is) while enjoying other hobbies and/or activities.

It’s normal and acceptable to take time to relax after a few years of intense studying, and many of the activities listed above are valued by employers. If you decide to take time off, it’s worth reflecting on its value. Have you learnt about another culture? Read enlightening books? Worked with others? Explored a passion? Gone outside your comfort zone? When you start looking for graduate roles, these reflections will help guide you and are often worth referencing in job interviews.

‘I’m considering further study.’

Further study can be a valuable experience, but think critically and strategically about how it could help you. Don’t simply pursue another degree because you don’t feel ready for your career or want to boost your general employability.

Once you’ve decided to pursue further study, take time to figure out what degree/course you want to pursue. Reflect on what you enjoyed about your course at UofG and identify areas of interest you’d like to explore further. Then, use this information to inform your course search.

You might also want to discuss further study with family members, course leaders, alumni and others.

‘I’m exploring the possibility of working for myself.’

Self-employment can offer a range of advantages. You can benefit from independence, autonomy, control, flexibility and more. However, it comes with specific challenges and isn’t for everyone, so it’s important to consider if it’s for you.

The University’s Student Enterprise Team offers guidance and support to students and graduates wishing to launch their own businesses.

There's no wrong answer

Ultimately, there are many responses to the question ‘So, what are you going to do now?’ None are the wrong answer. While there’s stigma about saying ‘I don’t know’, that’s a perfectly normal and acceptable response.

When you’re a student, it’s hard to plan for what comes next while focusing on your studies and other aspects of life. For many, it’s not until after graduation that their options become clearer and the pieces fall into place. Over the next few months (and long after), be patient with and kind to yourself as you navigate life after your degree.

Congratulations, Class of 2023!

Other resources

The Great Grad Guide: a bespoke graduate careers guide with tips and tricks on job searching, job applications, CVs and cover letters, assessment centres, international graduate career options and more


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