How to respond when an unknown woman asks you how are you
Step 1: Get connected with yourself and accept the challenge
- Take a deep breath and remind yourself of why you’re awesome. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous when talking to a stranger, so try to calm yourself down by taking deep breaths reminding yourself of all your great qualities. Remember, there’s nothing to lose! If she doesn’t want to talk, you’ll be okay, but if you never try, you’ll never know.Tell yourself: “I’m kind, I’m funny, and I’m wearing this great sweatshirt. She’ll be happy to chat with me.
- Smile warmly as you approach. A smile will show that you are friendly and approachable. It can make the girl feel safe around you, because you will seem more laid-back, and less like you’re on a conquest. As you walk over, try to make eye contact with her, so that she knows you’re on your way, and isn’t surprised. To be the most friendly, try to approach her from the side or the front, so that she can see you, instead of from the back.
Step 2: Strike up a conversation
- Strike up a conversation based on where you are. For example, if you meet a girl at a bus stop, you could talk about the weather. If you’re in a coffee shop, you could ask her for help deciding what drink to order. If you see her at school, ask her how class went. Talking about wherever you are is a great way to initiate conversation with somebody you don’t know, because it is casual and friendly.
- Introduce yourself and ask for her name. After you’ve talked for a minute, introduce yourself and ask for her name. You can just give your first name if you want to keep it casual. Telling each other your names is a great way to establish connection.Say, “I’m Jojo, by the way. What’s your name?”
- Try to make her laugh. Many girls find humor attractive. If you enjoy making jokes, don’t be afraid to be silly. You can make wacky comments about things that you see, say something a bit self-deprecating, or crack a so-bad-it’s-good pun. You can also tease her gently, but make sure not to take it too far and hurt her feelings. If you find it hard to joke around with people you don’t know, don’t sweat it. You can charm her with other great aspects about you, like your positivity, or your great smile.
- Ask her open-ended questions and listen.
- Wikihow puts it this way:
The best way to keep a conversation flowing is to have it be a give-and-take of ideas. If you’re feeling nervous, you might be tempted to ramble on, but you’ll have much better luck getting to know a girl if you ask her open-ended questions and truly listen to what she says.[10] Don’t ask her anything super personal off the bat. You could ask her, “What do you like about this coffee place?” or “I like your Hogwarts shirt. What’s your favorite Harry Potter book?”
- If you’re talking to her in school, you could say, “What teacher do you have for history?” or “Are you on the basketball team? I think I saw you play the other week.”
- Keep the conversation positive. Wikihow says that whenever you say something, say it with positive energy. If you get to know each other better, you can bring up heavier, deeper stuff, but now is the time to talk about things and people you love. It will make you seem like an excited, caring person. For example, if she tells you her favorite band, and asks if you like it, don’t say, “I hate those guys. They sound like trash.” Instead, steer the conversation in a positive direction: “I don’t know them too well. I do love outdoor concerts, though. Have you ever been?”
- Drop a subtle compliment about her personality. Focus on things about her inner beauty, like “You’re so funny,” or “You’re so sweet.” If you want to compliment her appearance, stick to complimenting her smile, hair, eyes, and clothes, so that it’s not objectifying. Be sincere, and use words like pretty and cute, instead of hot or sexy, to avoid creeping her out.Try to drop the compliment into the conversation naturally. If she says something that makes you laugh, say, “You’re so funny,” after you stop laughing. If she says something kind, say, “You’re so sweet.” If there’s a pause in the conversation, and she’s smiling, say, “You have such a pretty smile.”
- See how she reacts to your compliment. If she blushes, smiles, giggles, or compliments you back, that’s a good sign. If she looks sketched out and tries to move away, she’s probably not interested.
Step 3: Ask her for contact information before you leave
- Ask for her contact information before you leave. Don’t let all this great conversation go to waste by never seeing this girl again! Be brave and ask for her number, or ask if she’ll friend you on Facebook or Instagram. If you think she might be reluctant to give out her number, then you can give her your number, and let her make the first move is she wants to. Say, “I have to go now, but I’d love to chat with you again later. Could I get your number?”
- Or say, “I’d love to see you again. Can I get your number?” Then hand her your phone, to get the ball rolling