How to resolve conflicts
Tech Leaders
Helping technical experts scale their impact and income as business leaders
Here’s what’s in today’s edition of The Technical Leader:
Conflict resolution is an inevitable part of being a leader.
Good leadership means welcoming diverse ideas, and often those ideas will be so different it can create conflict within the team.
What many tech leads won’t admit is that they dislike conflict so much that they try to avoid it whenever possible.
And then there are the managers who actually run away from conflicts…
This might be because of their background (growing up in a hostile environment) or they might have witnessed the consequences of bad relationships where conflict and anger was a normal, everyday occurrence.
But dealing with conflict is something that a tech lead or manager has to be prepared to do.
Thankfully, most conflicts (if managed well) don’t turn into traumatic events.
Most conflicts are normal, everyday disagreements about a technical approach or decision about what to do next.
In the Tech Leader Program, we discuss the best strategies to resolve conflicts quickly and learn how to become comfortable dealing with uncomfortable situations.
But it all starts with having the confidence to deal with any disagreement or conflict.
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Talk soon,
— Todd Larsen & Stephen Bates