How Resilient Are You?
Tina Sibley
Coaching and training to help leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve BIG goals.
Do you have what it takes to overcome obstacles in your way?
Do you persevere until you reach your goals and dreams?
Or – do you give up at the first or second hurdle?
Or – even worse, not try at all?
Because to aim for something that’s not easy takes COURAGE!
To keep going when things get tough – that takes COURAGE!
I bet you’re actually more resilient than you think you are. You just maybe don’t know it yet.
They say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – and that’s true! But you have to go through that thing that didn’t kill you to develop the knowledge that you actually do have that resilience.
I saw a post earlier today comparing kids of the 70s in the back of an open truck with kids today, strapped into a car with bubble wrap around them. It was a joke but it made me think. If we try to wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and keep ourselves safe at all times, we won’t come to any harm – but we won’t achieve anything or have fun either!
While we certainly don’t want to risk killing ourselves, we do need to take the risk of getting a bruise or two!
Unless you’re tested – how will you ever know?
But – testing yourself takes COURAGE.
When you have the courage to test yourself – you develop?RESILIENCE.
Once you test yourself and come through it – you develop that feeling of invincibility that you can handle anything. And you can – you just need to know it.
Having had to overcome many obstacles myself, I know this to be true.
Putting yourself out there and coming out the other side builds your resilience and your confidence. But you don’t have to take a massive leap – just small steps. And that first small step takes COURAGE!
And that’s where I come in. I help my clients to have the courage to aim for BIG goals, to challenge themselves and take that very first, small step and then the next until they develop an inner strength and courage they didn’t know they had. They feel confident even when expanding their comfort zone and they become resilient. And they achieve BIGGER goals than they previously thought they could.
Why not take an exciting step on your journey of courage and resilience by joining me on a long-weekend adventure in Morocco. You will experience CONNECTION – with yourself, with nature and with like-minded people. You will gain Clarity around who you are and what you want. You will gain the Courage to act and you will build your?RESILIENCE.
Are you ready to be more resilient?
Are you ready to have more COURAGE?
Then have the courage to take that first step and join me!
The details of this amazing adventure can be found here.
Have an amazing day!?