How to Research a Realtor when Selling a Home
Sometimes it can feel like there are just too many real estate agents out there. How could you possibly figure out who will be the best realtor for you?
We made a comprehensive guide for people selling their homes, guiding you step-by-step through the process of landing a deal with the perfect realtor for you. If you're interested in learning more, click this link to see the full article - including tips on how to interview your best candidates.
If you are seriously considering selling your home, you will be better off working with a professional real estate agent to get your home sold quickly for the highest price.
The first step in finding your perfect real estate agent is all about research. When you’re looking for realtors, follow these steps:
1 - Scan the local real estate market
When you’re ready to find a top realtor, getting information about realtors closest to your property can help narrow down your choices.
You can use Google search or tools like to see which real estate agents have been active in your area. When you find a real estate agent’s profile or website, poke around and ask yourself these questions during your search:
- How prominent is this realtor compared to others in the area?
- How many properties do they have listed now?
- How long have those properties been listed?
- How many have been sold recently?
Once you’ve found a few realtors that stand out, it’s time to dive deeper and see if they will be the best candidate for you.
2 - Check realtors’ track records
To do your due-diligence, you should check in on a realtor’s transaction history. This is the best way to see what locations they have the most experience selling homes in. You can also learn about the types of properties they typically sell and what price range this seller typically works in. A good candidate should have a lot of history selling homes like yours in your area.
Also, search for reviews from a realtor’s prior clients. These reviews can give you a unique sense of what to expect when you’re working with a specific realtor.
Many of the top FastExpert agent profiles include transaction history and their performance in the last 12 months so you can have that important information when making your decision. You can also message an agent and request the contact details of their past clients if you wish to learn more details. This is a great way to see what others thought of the agent and how well they worked together and how effective they were in selling their home.
3 - Search realtor's online listings
Do a quick search online to see what properties the real estate agent has listed already. See where they sell the most properties, how much their properties sell for, and how long they stay on the market. You can do this by finding a realtor’s website, filtering for a realtor name on a real estate search engine, or you can use an internet tool like
Websites like have a curation of well-known realty agents and brokers. These sites can have individual profiles to allow users to see transaction history, zipcodes the agent has sold in, customer reviews, and other information. You can compare multiple real estate agents and find the one that best suits you.
4 - Check for license
Top real estate brokers have state licenses and disciplinary certificates. You can check with your state’s real estate bodies to find out whether the realtor has been licensed to perform the profession. It is also good to check for red-flags like a history of disciplinary action being taken against a real estate agent. If you like an agent but you see that they have been subject to disciplinary measures, you can ask the realtor about it or look for someone with a cleaner track record.
5 - Check for credentials
There are various certifications that real estate agents and brokers acquire to enhance their learning in the market. Certified individuals will be the best equipped to take care of your housing needs. Different realtors may have different credentials, so when comparing realtors, see how many certifications each candidate has, what they are for, and how reputable the certifying body is.
Some certifications you may see include certs for the valuation of a property, residential homes specialist, accredited buyers’ representative, senior real estate specialist, and more. These credentials show a real estate agent’s professionalism a drive to differentiate their skills from others in the market.
6- The Interview
Once you've dug into the background of some great realtors, it's time to meet them face-to-face and see which candidates you'll work best with. If you want to know how to conduct these interviews, click here to learn more.
If you're looking for a tool that can help put you in touch with the best realtors in your area, you should check out FastExpert. Their realtor's profiles will give you almost all the information you can ask for while you research potential business partners. Go meet your next realtor here!