How to Rescue Your Garden from Cabbage Aphids: A Step-by-Step Treatment Plan
Biological control of cabbage aphids is among the best and safe methods.

How to Rescue Your Garden from Cabbage Aphids: A Step-by-Step Treatment Plan

This type of aphid can cause a gardener sleepless nights and is quite a nuisance to pest control. They breed and reproduce very fast and will leave your cabbage plants in shambles before you even know it. Thankfully, when it comes to your garden and your crops, there are ways and means that one can use to guard against such attacks. Here is a simple laid down procedure to control cabbage aphids normally with special emphasis on organic methods.

Step one especially questions one or makes one ask – ‘What is the problem’?

Cabbage aphid is one of the most common pests that affect the growth of plants in a garden, and the following are some of the symptoms that you must look out for to know that it is time to go for the rescue of your garden. These are usually small, gray-green insects that form a cluster on the lower parts of the leaves. Cabbage aphids are normally aggregated in large numbers, and feed on sap of the plant. This feeding activity has the potential of curling of leaves, yellowing, and subsequent necrosis. The following are signs that require action to be taken Non-specific signs, which include:

Step 1: Biological control are the second environmental friendly and economical means of pest management.

Biological control of cabbage aphids is among the best and safe methods. Among them, one of the most viable seems to be the utilisation of Beauveria bassiana products, a biocontrol agent that is a natural fungus that infects and kills aphids. Pesticides can be used to spray this fungus; the fungicide will affect aphids but not useful insects or the ecology.

Beauveria Bassiana and Beveria WP produced by Novobac are good examples of this fungus that you can introduce into your garden. These are biological control agents which once applied will help to overcome the use of chemical insecticides and ensure a natural order of affairs in the environment.

Step 2: Put Organic Insecticides

Indeed, biological control is a powerful first responders arsenal, but sometimes a straighter shot is required. There we see that organic cabbage aphid insecticides, especially those containing Beauveria bassiana, can give desired protection against cabbage aphids. These products are sued in the annoyance of target pests and certain features to reduce negative impacts on other species, making these better for use in your garden.

Derived from Beauveria species are insecticides, such as Novobac’s Beveria WP which effectively controls aphids. It enters the body of the aphids and the aphids die in the course of the next few days. This method is most effective where there are heavy infestations and other measures do not seem to work so well.

Cultural controls are the fourth control measure that can be undertaken in implementing the health promotion strategy:

Besides, organic and biological treatments are available with various cultural measures that can be employed to prevent future invasion of this pest. Here are a few tips to keep your garden aphid-free:

Managing Cabbage Aphids with Beveria WP,its active ingredient is Beauveria Bassiana.

Step 3: Remove infested leaves

Pull off the leaves that harbour the aphids if they are detected at this stage they should not spread all over the plant.

Encourage beneficial insects: Natural predators which are known to prey on aphids include ladybugs, lace wings and parasitic wasps. It is much better to devote efforts and space to the plants that pest insects shun, and probably the plants which sustain the pest insects support aphids.

Practice crop rotation: Cabbage and related crops such as the brassicas should not be planted in the same areas for consecutive years. Cropping can also be done in a rotational manner, which can interfere with the development of aphids and hence reducing instances of infestation on crops.

Step 4: Monitor and Repeat

Organic pest control cannot be a one-time affair because pests are constantly on the prowl. Aphids can be monitored by weekly examining the plants and applying the treatments after a certain number of days. Organic and biological controls are known to take time in regulating the population hence might need to be administered severally. Monitor weather conditions because humidity is a good condition for fungi development that will make the Beauveria bassiana to be effective.


Cabbage aphids are sometimes difficult to control, but with an integrated approach you can keep them off your plants and get lots of produce. It’s possible to eradicate aphids using biocontrol agents like Beauveria bassiana, applying organic insecticide, and also practicing cultural control.

To provide a more effective biological control of cabbage aphids, visit Novobac. These environmentally friendly remedies provide a very effective barrier against cabbage aphids without screwing up the natural balance of a garden. It is therefore important to remain as proactive as possible and your garden will not be a victim of these relentless pests.



