How to report Problem Solution in a simple way?
source: Copilot DALL-E

How to report Problem Solution in a simple way?

by Agustin Lopez ?

Most of the time, organizations are required to report after solving technical problems of failures and leaks to the customers in the production chain and make it difficult for the customer to understand them since whoever did it does so to be understood by themselves, not for the customer.

It is very important to report methodologically and clearly write that solution that has taken work for multiple reasons such as the lack of data, the absence of the bad part, the slowness in obtaining evidence and so on innumerable situations that make it difficult to clearly conclude that report.

But with all this it is necessary to establish logically and clearly what happened, how it was solved and how it was proven that this was the cause.

When it is said clearly, it is understood by whoever should receive this report or whoever reads it, no matter when.

The most effective practice is to make an essay presentation with members of the multidisciplinary group that participated or should have participated in the investigation and solution of the problem in question, but critically and strictly qualify the understanding.

Likewise, this serves so that the client is told and guided in the presentation meeting or meetings and does not give rise to interpreting the content already established in the report or presentation and could create confusion or unnecessary questions on the part of the internal client or external of the report.

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

We must then rigorously establish that step within the solution and presentation of the problem that becomes the internal closure of the multidisciplinary group and that gives the security of a good conclusion to the effort made.

So simply “Read what you have written and see if there is logic” regarding the problem itself, only then you will realize if that is what you want to “sell” as a report.

It is very simple but it takes practice.

Within our QRQC method, only if this simple rule is given is it concluded positively.

Do you want know more about QRQC method and benefits for people and companies? Send a message to us, and we will have a pleasure to explain more!

QRQC Academy

Hakim AOUDIA Jeser Madureira MSc.

