How To Replace Limiting Beliefs And Self-doubt With Belief In Yourself

How To Replace Limiting Beliefs And Self-doubt With Belief In Yourself

What is the number one reason standing between you and the life of your dreams?

Is it a lack of resources, time or opportunity?

Allow me to be blunt and to the point, it’s none of those. Those are excuses. And it has nothing to do with pesky circumstances.

The biggest thing holding you back is something you’re 100 percent in control of. Guess what it is.

If you guessed the fear of failure, you’re right!

If you want to know how to overcome the fear and self-doubt that’s holding you back, watch this video:

Notice I said “eliminate” fear as opposed to “get rid of” fear?

That’s because fear is something that you conjure up when you feel overwhelmed, don't know what to do, etc. You are human, and it’s part of our biology for a reason.

Humans need a healthy level of caution/fear to survive!

Allow me to show you how to eliminate your fear, quiet your internal self-doubt and ultimately reinvigorate your self-confidence. It starts with believing in yourself.

View this video of someone who achieved his greatest goal.  

In this video, you’ll hear an awesome, inspiring story about a 19th-century acrobat who believed in himself so much that he was able to achieve the impossible (or at least, what everyone else thought was impossible) not once, but several times.

There are many things to learn from this story, but I don’t want to give away the full story. You need to see it yourself to truly appreciate its deeper meaning.

You’ll also learn the meaning behind a powerful confidence-boosting technique called “Butt in the Bucket.” It might sound silly, but it works! Watch the video

My hope for you is that this story will lift your spirits, compel you to smile, show you how to face your fear of failure, and replace limiting beliefs and self-doubt with belief in yourself.

Whether you are 5, 80 or in between this moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. (Yes, I have assisted people as young as 5 and those who are 80+) 

Are you willing to take the steps required to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment? Will you take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life? 

It's time to SHIFT and get prepared for what's coming up for your life... so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step you can make the SHIFT gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back. 

You might need to ask for assistance. 

I want your daily feeling of being overwhelmed to be replaced with a feeling of freedom throughout your day. I look forward to giving you the tools to help you conquer the every-day fears that hold you back. Here’s to living your dream life NOW. 

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions, and OTC drugs, etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires. 

You might need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness. 

Here’s to living your dream life NOW. 

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions, and OTC drugs, etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires. 

This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and mental, emotional, physical health and professional success.

 You can do it! Call me if you need assistance to overcome any blocks, fear, self-limiting behaviors!

For your convenience, I offer a 20-minute FREE no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success.  And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation. 

About Dr. Dorothy: 

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. is a successful influencer in the public and private sectors. As a consultant, coach, and keynote speaker, she brings 30 plus years of global experience to leadership development, behavioral change, and human potential.

Dr. Dorothy is passionate about developing great leaders. She works with senior and emerging executives to amplify their leadership skills and drive viable/sustainable organizations with relevant, adaptable, centered and authentic skills. International Best Selling Author, and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.


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