If you really don’t want anyone to buy from you, here are a few ways you can get started:
- Make sure your advertising is addressed to everyone, no matter their age, income, gender or whatever. In other words, makes sure it speaks to no one market segment in particular. After all, the whole world is your oyster.??
- Make sure your copy (words) and image are similar to what everyone else is doing out there - i.e. look just like your competitors.? After all, who wants to be different, right?
- Make sure all you talk about is your product, what features it has, and how experienced, great and “established” your company is. In other words, make yourself, not the CUSTOMER, the centre of attention.
- Lastly, don’t bother investing in building a brand for your business. Just focus on selling, selling and selling right now! Why waste money on airy-fairy things like branding if you believe you will always have customers buying from you, forever, simply because you are just so awesome, right???
I could go on and on, but this should be more than enough to get you started on the road to successfully ruining your business.
(I am being tongue-in-cheek, of course.)