How To Remove Stubborn Wallpaper
Wallpaper removal can be a difficult and frustrating task, especially if it’s been there for a long period of time. Though it may feel like it, it isn’t impossible and there are actually some tricks you can use to make it a little easier. Here are a few things to try if you’re having some issues removing stubborn wallpaper.
Don’t Remove It
You’re probably thinking “I’m reading this to figure out how to remove my wallpaper, what do you mean don’t remove it?” Hear us out. Depending on your particular wallpaper situation you might actually be able to simply paint over it. If your wallpaper is free of bubbles and is stuck firmly to your wall, you can probably just prep, prime, and paint it. If you’ve got some loose edges or corners you can glue them back down or remove them and then use a thin coat of spackle to blend the edges in. If you’ve got just a few bubbles, you can use a razor blade to cut them out and use the same spackle blending technique. Sanding the seams of the wallpaper is also a good idea to make sure they’re smooth. If any seams are loose, use clear caulk to make sure they stay in place. This will prevent the paper from peeling under the paint in the future. Use a quality primer to seal the wallpaper to keep the adhesive on the wallpaper away from the moisture in your paint.
Removing The Wallpaper
If leaving the wallpaper on the wall is not an option for you, there are ways to make the removal process a little easier. Start by simply peeling off the top layer of the wallpaper if you can. If the wall was properly primed before the wallpaper was applied, it may come off quite easily. If not, you might have to work a little harder. In either case, soaking the wall with water is a good way to loosen up the adhesive. A compression sprayer is your best option here, one that you might use for your lawn or garden. Continually spray water and then use a paint scraper to scrape away what’s left of the old wallpaper.
Once you’ve removed the wallpaper, give the drywall some time to completely dry out before you attempt to prime and paint it. Wallpaper can be a bit of pain when you’re trying to paint, but don’t let it stop you! Use our trick to loosen up the adhesive on the wallpaper and your task will be much easier.
If you need anything painted at home, interior or exterior, contact M. Carlson Painting! We’re a group of local professionals with years of experience providing great customer service!