How to remove spider vein ?
Do you have unwanted red blood or spider vein want to remove? Do you know how to remove them safely ? Here we enclosed some questions and answers for your reference about how to remove them with 980nm diode laser machine. If you have any more questions please feel free to consult at starnewtech,com.
What areas of the body can be treated?
All parts of the body can be treated with the laser.
How many treatments are needed?
It depends on:
The desired degree of blood vessel reduction
Hormonal status
The area being treated
Medications, (prednisone can increase superficial blood vessel growth)
Typically, one or three treatments are needed for significant improvement of spider veins. Treatment can be done every 6 weeks on the face, and every 2-3 months on the legs. Cherry hemangiomas (red dots on the body) usually only require one or two treatments.
Am I a good candidate for removal of unwanted, unsightly spider veins with laser?
The unique design of the 980nm diode laser, and the long wavelength, allows treatment of people with all skin colors. A smaller number of treatments are needed when the skin is light colored. We do not treat patients with a fresh suntan.
What will happen on treatment day?
Other than your regular skin care routine, there is no standard preparation for this procedure. There are no restrictions on what you may eat or drink prior to your appointment. Many people like to take 2 - 3 Advil (200mg. tablets) to prevent or reduce discomfort.
Please shave the areas to be treated before you come in for treatment. Excess dark hair above the surface of the skin absorbs and wastes laser energy, and reduces the amount of energy that reaches the undesired blood vessels. Excess hair above the surface of the skin also increases the chance of burning or irritating the skin.
When you come for treatment, it is important not to wear any makeup over the area being treated because makeup can absorb laser energy. This could interfere with treatment, or even cause overheating of the skin surface and blistering. Makeup can be re-applied immediately after laser treatment.
What is the laser treatment procedure?
Immediately before the laser is used on an area, a thin coat of clear gel is lightly smoothed over the skin, and then the laser pulses are quickly and evenly applied to the unwanted spider veins. The cooling head of the Excel may be applied to the skin immediately before and after each pulse of the laser, to further protect your skin and prevent or reduce any discomfort.
Does it hurt?
The laser emits only light. You may feel a tingling or snapping sensation like a rubber band. There is no bleeding and no open wound is created. Some people find the first laser treatment more uncomfortable than subsequent treatments. Maybe this is because there are more blood vessels which are destroyed during the first treatment; and perhaps also because some people are more apprehensive during the first treatment, because they are not sure of what to expect.
While some areas of the body like the nose are more sensitive than others, many patients report little or no discomfort. If there is unusual discomfort, please let us know so that we can apply more cooling or adjust the settings on the laser.
Most people find it helpful to simply take two or three Advil (200mg tablets), 2 hours before coming in for treatment.
What will happen after treatment of spider veins with laser?
Redness often has faded greatly by the next day. It would not be uncommon for the skin to be slightly drier that evening and to require more moisturizing cream.
The treated veins, in particular on the legs, may appear slightly more obvious or a bit darker for the next week or two, but this is seldom a major cosmetic problem. Occasionally on the legs, less frequently on the face, there can be isolated superficial bruising which generally is a nuisance and resolves within a week or two on the face, or several weeks on the legs without needing any treatment.
Why do the blood vessels sometimes look more obvious for several weeks after treatment?
After the blood vessels are treated with laser energy, they sometimes swell up slightly, and the body moves in to begin the job of removing the treated vessels.
Sometimes portions of the vessels will seal off immediately, and a bit of blood stays behind in the treated vessels, causing temporary red or purple coloration. If this happens, the blood in the vessels is usually reabsorbed along with the vessels themselves by the body over a period of several weeks to a couple of months on the legs, without needing any additional treatment.
Because the 980nm diode laser can produce a longer, gentler pulse there is much less chance of bruising compared to treatment with first and second generation lasers. Patients who have previously been treated with dye lasers are always impressed by the fact that they look good immediately after treatment, with little or no discoloration of the skin.
Once treated, will my veins reappear?
We cannot treat your predisposition to develop varicose or spider veins, so new veins may reappear in the same area or in other areas within next few years. Usually a touch-up treatment to remove new veins will be needed every 1-3 years.