What do you do if you get chewing gum on your carpet? Not many people actually know how to remove chewing gum from carpets in an effective way. Chewing gum is banned from our home, one small accident and the risk of it becoming entwined in our carpet fibres sends chills through me. But what is the best way to remove chewing gum when you don’t have access to professional cleaning machines and sprays as carpet cleaning companies do. Top tip, refrain from trying dozens of different methods to remove as this can do more harm than good, and we are about to give you a helping hand!
Below is a step-by-step guide on one way to remove chewing gum from carpets and over on our YouTube channel you can see the super-fast steam method of removing chewing gum from carpets. Gum is one of those things when you can certainly make your life harder if removal is not done right, but with years of experience, we have refined our process in removing this tricky stuff.
If you want to react quickly to a chewing gum stain and remove it from your carpets yourself, follow these quick steps.
Step 1. Use an ice cube to freeze the chewing gum, this could take 5 to 10 minutes but the gum must be hard.
Step 2. Use a spoon or something that is blunt to flake or peel the chewing gum away. Be very careful not to damage the fibres of the carpet, it may pull strands out as you Peel.
Step 3. If all the hard lumps have been removed put one small scoop of washing powder into a small jug of water.
Step 4. Use a clean cloth or tissue, dampen with the mixture, and dab at the stain, rinsing regularly.
Step 5. Once you are happy the staining has been removed use a clean cloth or tissue and dab the area to soak up any moisture from the process.
There are a number of different ways to remove chewing gum and it does depend on the thickness of your carpet and the type of carpet you have to how well you will be able to remove the chewing gum but there are some additional hacks you can try if you’re struggling to remove the lumps of the chewing gum.
If the ice cube trick does not work, for example, you can try Vodka or WD-40 on the chewing gum to break it down further. However, you must be careful, WD-40 will leave a residue within the carpet which will potentially get dirty very quickly but more worrying, depending on how your carpet is made if could make the backing of the carpet delaminate from the main structure of the carpet.
Our advice is always to seek professional advice or help in the removal of stains so you do not further damage the carpet, however, at times this may not be an option so the hacks can get you a head start.