How to Remember Anything

How to Remember Anything


2016 was supposed to be a good year in the NFL for the Rams. They were relocating back from St. Louis to Los Angeles. A fresh start. A new home. But they only won four games—and lost twelve. They stank… and they hadn’t had a winning season in 14 years.

But the next year, 2017, things were different.

CLIP: When you find a way to come on the road, finish up your road record 7-1, and win a division, there’s only one thing you can say: Wooo!

The following season, the Rams win 13 out of 16 games, tying for the best record in football. They make it all the way to the Super Bowl.

Their secret weapon? The Rams had hired a new head coach. Sean McVay. He was just 30 years old—the youngest NFL coach since 1938.

His secret weapon? His memory.

BLEACHER: We saw you on television, and you remembered a ton of plays.

Sean McVay can recall, on command, almost any moment he’s ever seen on a football field. Listen to him being grilled by a couple sports reporters about completely random plays from past seasons:

BLEACHER: Week 12, Saints at Rams, 4:29 in the second quarter, second and seven on the Saints’ 7. What happens?

MCVAY: Oh. Josh Reynolds touchdown off scheduled play vs. a 3-man rush.

BLEACHER: You’re absolutely right. Are you kidding me? You’re unbelievable.

You don’t need to know the playbook or understand the lingo to hear that this is sort of crazy. 

BLEACHER: Now we are going to go to—this is Sean McVay’s time in Washington, so we’re bringing it back to 2015, week 7, Bucks at Skins. Second and 7 on the Tampa Bay 24, 58 seconds left in the fourth quarter.

MCVAY: Jamison Crowder wheel route down the right sideline.

BLEACHER: Jamison Crowder wheel route down the right sideline. Set up the first down, and how did that drive end?

MCVAY: Jordan Reed touchdown in a 4x1 individual iso slant.

BLEACHER: He’s good! Check out the brain on Sean. You’re amazing.

He even remembers plays going back 16 years, when he was in the state semi-finals in high school.

This kind of recall gives him a big edge as a coach. When he needs to make a quick decision with the game on the line, he has an entire library of successes and mistakes at his fingertips.

Sean McVay is clearly a savant. But memory is not just an innate talent. You can strengthen yours, like a muscle. Your team can use it to pump up creativity, and boost sales. And just maybe we can all figure out exactly where we left our car keys.

I’m Adam Grant, and this is WorkLife, my podcast with TED. I’m an organizational psychologist. I study how to make the people you work with not suck. In this show, I’m inviting myself inside the minds of some truly unusual people, because they’ve mastered something I wish everyone knew about work.

Today: memory. How to make your own recall stronger, and how to build your organization’s memory.

Thanks to Accenture for sponsoring this episode.

(This is the transcript of season 2 episode 6, with sources linked. If you’re thinking about gathering a podcast club—it’s like a book club, only for podcasts—you can find discussion questions at the bottom.)

Through most of human history, the most valuable people to have in your tribe were the ones with great memories. Even in the era of cavemen, your life depended on that friend who remembered which mushroom was poisonous, or where to find water in a drought. As civilizations developed, you needed to remember which merchants were trustworthy and which guilds were hostile. In Lincoln’s era, a mark of a well-read person was the ability to quote at length from many sources.

Now, you’re probably in the habit of outsourcing your memory to electronic devices. But the ability to retain and recall information in your head is still crucial. One: it helps you establish expertise under uncertainty. If a car salesperson knows safety specs off the top of her head, you’ll assume she knows what she’s talking about. Two: having a good memory is essential for making fast decisions. When a patient goes into cardiac arrest during a procedure, surgeons don’t have time to run a google search about what to do. And three: memory helps you build and maintain relationships. You expect a financial planner to remember your risk preferences. You want a therapist to recall how your worldview was shaped by your weird family. And before a performance review, you hope your boss hasn’t forgotten all the good work you’ve done.

As a professor, I’ve always encouraged my students to develop their memories. The problem was, when they’d ask how, I didn’t really have a good answer. Then I came across this guy.

JOSH: I've been known to be, well, a little bit forgetful.

Joshua Foer is a science journalist. For as long as he could remember, he’d had a terrible memory.

ADAM: What are the things that you've always had the hardest time remembering?

JOSH: Why I just opened the refrigerator. To put the toilet seat back down. Just about every important anniversary and birthday of family members. I think maybe I've forgotten some of the things that I've forgotten.

Back in 2005, Josh got an odd reporting assignment.

JOSH: Slate magazine sends me to go cover this wacky sounding contest called the United States Memory Championship.

The USA memory championship. What josh observed were these competitive memorizers who had remarkable abilities. They could see photos of 100 strangers, and remember all of their names 20 minutes later. They could commit hundreds of random numbers to memory in just 15 minutes. And they could repeat the sequence of a whole deck of shuffled playing cards after looking at it for only five minutes. How does a person do that?

JOSH: I figure these are going to be like a bunch of freakish savants who—Rain Men, basically, who have these incredible memories—and what I discover is something totally different. They are just like normal people with normal memories, and that they've trained themselves using a set of ancient techniques to become these memory champions, and I wanted to find out whether I could do that too.

So Josh, with his spotty memory, started training with a master of the sport—and eventually wrote a book about the experience, called Moonwalking with Einstein.

JOSH: They weren't making this up! It is absolutely true that when you learn these memory techniques you can perform astounding feats of memory. And this is verified not just by my own experience, but by like 2,500 years of history of people using these techniques, and by a whole bunch of science. Incredible memory capacities are latent inside of all of us—if we sort of use the right techniques to awaken them. 

So: how do these champion memorizers “do” memory?

JOSH: A lot of the earliest accounts that we have of memory techniques come from books on oratory, on how to be a persuasive speaker. And, like when Cicero was getting up in the Roman Senate to deliver his stemwinders, he was doing that from memory. If you want to memorize a speech, don't try and memorize it word for word because that's just gonna—it's gonna make you sound robotic. You're going to forget the next word. That's not a good way to speak persuasively. He said what you should do, is create an image of each of the topics that you want to talk about in your speech. Put the images of those topics into a memory palace.

A memory palace. Because abstract words, numbers, and ideas get stickier when you connect them to a concrete image, and a familiar place. So pick a place that you know well, and mentally attach things you want to remember to vivid images inside the different rooms.

JOSH: You create a wild, crazy, funny, colorful, bizarre, grotesque image in your mind's eye of each word in a list of random words you're trying to memorize, and you visualize that image in a different room of your house, and you walk through your house creating these images. And when it comes time to recall the information, you just walk back through your house, and what you find is that the images are in the rooms where you left them. And I know that doesn't sound like it would work. It didn't sound to me like it would work the first time I heard about this.

ADAM: Yeah, it sounds a little ridiculous.

JOSH: It's remarkably effective, and what you find is that you can—almost immediately after learning this trick—you can memorize really long strings of information. Memorizing 100 random words in perfect order is almost trivial, once you know this trick.

The key is a sense of place. Place really matters in memory. In a classic experiment, psychologists recruited a bunch of scuba divers to learn a few dozen new words. The divers learned some words on dry land and others underwater. 24 hours later, they were tested for recall.

If divers had learned words underwater they had a much harder time recalling them on dry land. And vice-versa! They were able to remember 30-60% more of the words when they were in the setting where they had originally learned them.

So being back in the place where you learned something is where you find cues to help you retrieve it. And you can simulate that effect with a memory palace: if you put something in a particular place in your mind, you can revisit that place mentally at any time. Josh’s go-to memory palace is the home where he grew up in DC.

JOSH: You walk in the door, and just the scent hits you, and like suddenly you are just transported to a different time, and there's so much rich texture in the home of my parents, and still to this day, and so when I create these visual images in that building, in that home, they are just... sticky. They become attached to all of these other memories that I have about that house, so that is my most effective memory palace. And, you know, I can walk in the door, I can see the the black paint on the door, and the brass mail slot, and I open it, and there's this walnut credenza and floor made out of stone, and just every bit of that house I know so well. And so what I do if I'm like, let's say, memorizing a shopping list and I have to remember that the first item on the list is, I don't know, milk? Say, I walk in that house, and I would picture myself pouring a gallon of milk maybe over my mother's head in that entryway of the house, and I picture the dairy dripping down her head, and what they would smell like, and how she would be really annoyed about it. And the more emotion and color you can attach to that image, the more likely it is that when I walk back through that house again later, I will be like, “Oh, yeah, right. Yes—in the foyer of the Foer house is my mother dripping with milk. I have to pick up milk from the grocery store.”

ADAM: So does that mean you spend a few weeks a year just wandering through buildings until you know them like the house you grew up in?

JOSH: So there was a time—I mean, especially during this year when I was training my memory—where I was basically a collector of architecture, so that I would have this whole kind of city of memory palaces available to me in the competition.

ADAM: And so in a year of practicing that you went from a journalist with a bad memory to what?

JOSH: Well, so the punchline of the story is I became the United States Memory Champion.

So if you’re interested in improving your memory, there’s no one better to learn from than the forgetful guy who became the American memory champ in a year. Say you want to remember someone’s name. What should you do?

JOSH: What you want to do is come up with some sort of a an association between the sound of a person's name and some aspect of their physical being. So what you're doing when you meet somebody is you're looking at them and saying, “Hey, what's distinct about this person's physical presence— something about their hair, or something about their eyebrows?” The truth is you're looking for what is weird about this person, which means that to do this well you have to be a kind of judgmental schmuck.

Pop quiz! Do you remember Josh’s last name?

I said it a few minutes ago when I introduced him, but in case you need a refresher: here’s how Josh approaches it.

JOSH: If I wanted to remember my last name, Foer, well it sounds an awful lot like number four. I would look at myself and say, “I'm going to carve a number 4 into his head with a little butcher knife, and I'm going to picture the blood dripping down his face.” Again, the more color I can put into this image, the more likely it is I'm going to remember it later. And what I've done, is I've just created an association between this name—which otherwise wouldn't mean anything to me—and this guy's face. And that's not a guarantee that I'm gonna remember that name later on, but what it's done is given me just a little hook that makes it that much more likely that when I run into this person at a later date, I'm gonna be able to fish their name back out.

ADAM: It's obviously a fun parlor trick, but have you used this in your job at all to remember people's names, or anything about their families, or, you know, any arcane details like that?

JOSH: Yeah, I certainly try to. There have been a few really delightful moments when I have remembered, like, not just somebody’s name but the name of their kid, or some just esoteric detail that they had dropped into conversation, where I can give myself a big pat on the back, because the truth is, when you remember something about somebody, you are demonstrating to them that you care.

Think about your favorite teachers. They’re usually the ones who remember not only your name, but your interests and talents too. I bet they also had a wealth of information at their fingertips—they could answer seemingly any question by reciting a compelling idea, quote, or data point from memory.

JOSH: One of the things that is true about memory is we develop great memories for domains in which we have a rich knowledge base. So it's not a coincidence that, you know, if you are an American history professor, you're gonna be a great memory for facts about American history, and you're gonna be able to integrate new facts that you learn about American history into your memory much more easily because you can make more associations.

You can see this in studies of chess players. Researchers positioned chess pieces around a board, and asked both chess masters and amateurs to study the board for five seconds. Then they asked both groups to recall the positions of the pieces from memory.

The beginners made tons of mistakes, only correctly remembering the locations of a few pieces. Chess masters were able to do it with stunning accuracy. They could perfectly recall the positions of more than 20 pieces.

The logical conclusion: having a great memory makes you a better chess player. Just like Sean McVay in football, you have immediate access to a personal library of past games to guide your current decisions. But what happened when researchers scrambled the board, putting the pieces in places where they’d never land in a real game?

Suddenly, the experts were no better than the beginners. It turns out that experts don’t necessarily have superior memories overall. They build up memories of specific patterns from years of experience.

JOSH: Everybody has a great memory for something, and it is usually the thing that you care the most about, that you're most interested in, that you've got the richest knowledge base for.

For me in second grade, that was baseball. I remember my teacher being surprised that I could recall not only the names, but also the batting averages of every player on the Detroit Tigers. My friends made fun of me for it—they called me Mr. Facts. Apparently it was annoying then, but it comes in handy now, because my job is to be Mr. Facts. And the interest I have today in remembering psychology studies is pretty similar to how I felt as a kid about baseball stats.

Your team or company has lots of people with deep memories of what’s worked—and what hasn’t— all working under one roof. It’s a huge pool of information potentially at your fingertips, and it’s the raw material from which creative ideas can emerge… if you can figure out how to access it. 

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A great memory is a strong advantage in any workplace. But even stronger is a group with a great memory. Group memory is a roadmap to learning from the past. It helps you access good ideas that might’ve been forgotten… and avoid repeating strategies that have already tanked.

ANDREW: There are a lot of efforts to create sort of knowledge repositories or databases of past solutions.

Andrew Hargadon is a technology management expert at UC-Davis. He studies how organizations create and use knowledge.

ANDREW: Consulting firms will have large databases of every presentation they've ever given to a client and what was interesting about those was often how little people use them. If at all, they use them as essentially a glorified Yellow Pages to figure out who had done something related and then they would immediately call those people.

But people change jobs. They change firms. They retire. What do you do when there’s no one left to call? You need systems for storing and retrieving this kind of information, so it’s not lost when the person who knows it is lost. You need an organizational memory.

Organizational memory is the collection of every product and campaign and strategy that a company has tried. As you can probably guess, a collection like that gets messy, fast.

ANDREW: When we talk about organizational memory, we think of it like a computer, where there is a file stored somewhere and we just need to track it down. But in terms—particularly of smaller groups and teams, you know—I think the collective memory is more like human memory. It's not always that simple to retrieve the right memory at the right time.

It gets even harder as your organization gets older. The store of past knowledge is richer. And the people who created it are long gone. So what does the organizational memory of a century-old company look like?

AMY: It looks like Raiders of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones style: thousands of boxes, hundreds of thousands of photographic prints, thousands of material samples, probably almost 100 pieces of furniture.

We’re in southwest Michigan, at a furniture company called Herman Miller. They produced some of the most iconic pieces of furniture for work and home in the 20th century: the Aeron chair, the Noguchi table, the Eames lounge, and—love it or hate it—the office cubicle. Amy Auscherman is their corporate archivist. She took us on a tour of Herman Miller’s memory.

AMY: So in this fire safe drawer, we have every ad that Herman Miller has produced, starting from 1931 to now.

Herman Miller is 114 years old. Its organizational memory is all the information and knowledge that has built up in that time. Amy’s job is to make sense out of all of it.

AMY: I sometimes call myself the fancy dumpster, because people will find old product—and recognize that it's old, thankfully—and say, “Oh, it should go to Amy.”  

There are drawers full of old templates, shelves full of old pieces of furniture. But there are also the stories that people tell about the place, and the histories of various collaborations that resulted in products and ads—and all of that past can be drawn on when inventing the company’s future.

AMY: Should we go in the vault? Chairs everywhere.

Many of the company’s most popular pieces were first designed after World War 2. 

AMY: This is like kind of the furniture Hall of Fame in here. Eames wire chairs up top. Ooh! 1922. Ugh, it smells like vinegar, so that’s probably not a good thing… This chair was designed for the very top of the Time Life building in New York.

The engineers and designers at Herman Miller have to evolve their products to suit changes in taste, and newer forms of production and marketing, all while staying consistent with their historic look and feel. And to do all of those things, they head for the archives. The role of an archivist becomes important for collecting the ideas of the past, adding the ideas of the present, and finding creative ways of combining the two.

BEN: It's hard for me to imagine a week that goes by that I don't have some kind of conversation with Amy in our archives.

Ben Watson is the chief creative officer at Herman Miller.

BEN: About a product that hasn't seen the light of day for decades or a part of the organization that no longer exists.

A few years ago, the company re-launched The Herman Miller Collection of home and office furniture. It was based on the modern-looking pieces that had originally made Herman Miller a big name in the 50s. So the design team looked back to its origins.

BEN: By opening the archive—which included not only catalogs from every year, but actual sketches and diagrams of designs that were never produced, variants of designs that were long since forgotten—we uncovered all kinds of solutions that the so-called experts didn't know anything about. And many of those discoveries led us to produce new ideas that became part of the collection, which today is a growing and thriving part of our business, with significant amount of revenue. We found a lot of products that had a lot of resonance for today that we'd all forgotten about.

Your workplace probably doesn’t have an archivist. But you can play that role in your team, especially if you’re doing creative work. Because although innovation can seem like a bolt from the blue, it’s often the result of remembering ideas from one setting and applying them to another.

ANDREW: Most innovations aren't novel ideas that are simply ideas that a new audience hasn't heard yet.

Andrew Hargadon has found that it’s critical to organize and access memories of what has worked and what hasn’t.

ANDREW: I think people who study organizations recognize obviously that that organizations do things over and over and they often get good at things and they keep the good things and they embed them somehow in the organization. They set up standard operating procedures, they set up routines.

Apparently at one car supplier, engineers spent almost a third of their time solving issues that had already been solved elsewhere in their own company. A good memory system can prevent that by making it easy for people to access existing solutions.

ANDREW: But the challenge comes in when we know when we need to distinguish between doing the same thing over and over and doing different things, and memory plays a key role in both of those. So that we know if we did something right, and we want to keep doing it, we want to support that behavior and we want to encode it so to record it and play it back again. But we also want to mis-remember them when we start to come up with—or start to look for new solutions. And that's where memory can play the second role, which is give us that big grab bag of things we've seen in the past that could be used in a different way again later.

To understand how organizations draw on the memories of old products to solve new problems, Andrew studied the creative firm Design Continuum. A medical company had tasked them with designing something called a pulsed lavage.

ANDREW: Pulsed lavage—an emergency room tool that creates a high pressured pulse of saline solution, and it's used when you have a motorcycle accident, or somebody on a bike accident, and somebody has got a lot of gravel or dirt in a wound, and you need to clean that wound out effectively.

It needed to be safe, cheap, and disposable. Others had struggled to crack it. But the designers figured it out in just a few days, thanks to a little trip down organizational memory lane. Years earlier, their company had developed a totally different product that could solve the problem. They had even tested it on their kids.

ANDREW: They'd developed Super Soaker, those high-pressure squirt guns.

So they took that knowledge out of organizational memory and applied it to hospitals.

ANDREW: They designed a Super Soaker for an emergency room. And lo and behold, it ended up working out really well. You know, they had to change the type of plastic, and then some of the design for medical product guidelines. But in all other ways it was basically just a slightly more expensive Super Soaker.

Those who can’t remember the past are doomed to miss opportunity.

ANDREW: When we think about memory we think about it as bits of knowledge. We don't think about remembering, and the role that remembering plays in making a new sense of that knowledge. Most of the value of our memories really comes out in finding new uses for them.

To find new uses for old ideas, you need a way to remember them. You might not have access to a rich archive of squirt guns. You probably haven’t mastered the memory palace yet either. If you want to remember something right away, you can start with three steps.

One: take a break. In one experiment, taking a 10-minute break after learning something improved recall for students by 10 to 30 percent—and even more for stroke and Alzheimer’s patients.

Two: quiz yourself. There’s a wealth of evidence that studying, rereading, and highlighting are inferior to just taking practice tests. By retrieving information from your memory you make it easier to find again.

Three: tell someone else about it. New research reveals that the best way to learn something really is to teach it. Not just because you understand it better when you explain it, but also because you remember it better after you recall it.

So if you want to commit anything in this episode to memory, go to a dark, quiet room and do nothing for ten minutes. Then quiz yourself on the material, and share a summary of your key takeaways with somebody else.

WorkLife is hosted by me, Adam Grant. The show is produced by TED with Transmitter Media. Our team includes Colin Helms, Gretta Cohn, Jessica Glazer, Grace Rubenstein, Michelle Quint, Angela Cheng, and Janet Lee. This episode was produced by Dan O’Donnell. Our show is mixed by Rick Kwan. Original music by Hahnsdale Hsu and Allison Layton Brown. Ad stories produced by Pineapple Street Media.

Special thanks to our sponsors: Accenture, Bonobos, Hilton, and JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Next time, on WorkLife

SARAH: You know when your boss, and your boss's boss, and H.R. is sitting in the room that it's… it's not going to be good.

Rejection, and how to bounce back.

The experiment with scuba divers was done by Duncan Godden and Alan Baddeley. The classic studies of chess players were by Adriaan de Groot, William Chase, and Herb Simon. Appreciation to the late Dan Wegner for his seminal work on transactive memory, and a shout out to Neil Macrae and colleagues on source memory. Thanks to Christian Jarrett, Ulrich Boser, and David Robson for writing great summaries of the research on encoding learning through teaching, testing, and relaxing; to Deborah Ancona and Jim Walsh for their scholarship on innovation and organizational memory; and to Patricia Hewlin on facades of conformity. Finally, thanks to Bleacher Report for the Sean McVay audio.

ADAM: I don't know if you’ve seen the research on what's sometimes called kleptomnesia, where you misremember other people's ideas as your own.

JOSH: Did you say kleptonesia?

ADAM: Kleptomnesia.

JOSH: Kleptomnesia. Love it. Oh, that’s brilliant.

ADAM: Do you have any advice on how to avoid those kinds of errors?

JOSH: How to be less of a thief of other people’s ideas? I’ve gotta give that some thought.


1. How is memory useful in your job?

2. What techniques have you used to remember people’s names? Other details about them?

3. What are the areas of interest or expertise where you have an especially good memory?

4. What information would you love to get better at remembering?

5. If you were going to try storing that information mentally in a memory palace, what house would you use and what would you put in the different rooms?

6. How can you become more aware of what your colleagues remember, so you can draw on their knowledge when you need it?

7. In your workplace, who are the keepers of the organizational memory? How do they add value?

8. When you’re doing creative projects, can you develop better ways to draw on the archive of past ideas?

9. Have you ever found excellent recall to be a disadvantage? How can you overcome those challenges?

10. Have you ever accidentally mis-remembered someone else’s idea as your own?

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Is it to hurt people isn't it trying to use it to her mother's and custody battles and drive people crazy and whatever else you can.

Bredah Kamenyeri

Bsc. Agricultural Education and extension

5 年

This fantastic. Great tips!

Beverley D. Jones

Front Desk Receptionist, Administrator, Secretarial

5 年

Getting older need all the help I can get


