Most of the weekly astrological predictions made on newspapers or magazines or any online websites are for advertisement of their products or for their consultancy.

To attract people towards their new paper or magazines few things are necessary according to human behavior and tendency, apart from good looks and beautifully presented with many good information, still people are not easily attracted towards them because all they want is something FREE.

The trick is so effective that in promotion of the anything with FREE gift gets more attention, though it may be relevant or irrelevant. Free just catches our attention fast, as we are inborn greedy.

This is the reasons every newspapers or magazines or online websites give general predictions, which actually cannot be correct for all people as every horoscope is unique and so will be the predictions.

People jump from one paper to other paper or websites to another when they find a mismatch in the predictions as it is easy to switch site because its at the tip of your fingers to do so.

They always feel that they would get their kind of predictions in the next papers or website for free. People very well know that this newspapers are here for business so if they start doing charity then how they will survive, but the tendency of having it free elude them to visit these new papers or online websites.

In real if a person want to know something about him then he need to visit an astrologer and get his readings from him. Apart from a correct calculations and horoscope plotting, intuition plays a vital role in determining which formula and combination is to be used to know the resultant effect.

A software or computer can have artificial intelligence but not intuition. Intuition is some intelligence given by God to the human being only and not machine or software.

Even if an astrologer is doing it manually then the predictions will made on the basis of the current transit of the planets, considering each moon sign as ascendant in general or ascendant as per the horoscope of an individual.

Based on transit an event cannot take place as the event should be a promised in the horoscope of that native in the destiny level and the current ruling mahadasha also should support that event in the native’s horoscope.

For example : If the transit shows marriage of a native, but the horoscope deny, then during transit the native and his family will be looking for a bride and they will do all sort of hard work like giving advertisement in various newspapers and in marriage bureaus. Telling friends and relatives for a suitable bride, BUT BUT BUT the marriage will not happen as it is not destined in the horoscope of the native.

The transit will only try to activate the event, but if it is not destined in the horoscope then even transit cannot give that event.

So summarize in short a weekly astrological predictions in newspaper or magazine or website gives a general predictions and not an individual one as it is not possible because each horoscope is unique, so people will find different results and predictions in different newspapers and websites.

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