Dave S. Wallace, MSIO, MA, AMFT
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist for men, adolescents, and career-focused women
The Subconscious & Theta Wave Programming
The subconscious drives everyday activity inside of being. Most of the brain is unconscious. Consciousness alone has very little power to control behavior. Most of our behavior is determined by the unconsciousness and by the limbic system, the chemical part of the brain. The subconscious has all the power.
Now, children are in a state of theta brainwave activity – hypnosis. This state allows access to the subconscious for encoding. Adults are in the same open state of brain programming prior to and after sleeping. This means whatever we meditate on as we’re falling asleep or waking up becomes written into us as an unspoken belief, as deep knowledge.
Relationship Impacts
This is why choice of partner is important. If we go to sleep being hated, being told terrible things about ourselves and feeling daggers, these words and feelings will find their way into our subconscious as if it were said a child. It will break us. Such words will cause us feel as if we are under threat. Conversely, if we wake up to being loved or go to sleep in love and gratitude, our belief is that the world is magic and full of possibilities.
A Relationship Coaching Moment
Perhaps this is the origin of the proverb “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” Regardless, it is worth knowing that the greatest impact our consciousness has on us is in the stages between, the twilight of consciousness and subconsciousness. Whatever fights happen during the day, if we can speak or show love before and after sleeping, we can become better people and help our loved ones become better people too.
~ Dave S. Wallace, MS Psy