How To Rekindle A Relationship With An Ex (How To Get Your Relationship Back On Track With Your Ex After A Breakup)

How to rekindle a relationship with an ex - How to get your relationship back on track with your ex after a breakup.?

Years, days, months have passed since that dreadful break-up. And even after such a long period of time, they are still the same person that makes you want to wake up every morning.

Eventually, you will think that you are being pathetic, you broke up for a reason and that is one valid proof for both of you to never ever get back together.

You get to meet each other again and you realized the "spark" is still there. Like old times, you talk to each other as if nothing happened. You clearly still love each other but you are holding yourself back. The pain you've experienced from the past was just too much to handle and that is something you definitely don't want to happen again. So what will you do now? Are you going to cling to the feeling or just continue hoping that it will magically disappear into thin air?

Before doing any hasty action, forgive your Ex lover and accept the fact that what has happened is all part of a force for you to grow as an individual. Settle all the issues between the two of you so that you could start anew. Leave the dark memories of the past and focus on what is here and now. There is a reason why the feeling you have for each other still remains even after your break up.

It is all up to you.

Are you willing to take a risk to fall in love again with the person who once hurt you?

However, if your current breakup involves a relationship that is worth saving, here are tips that can help you get them back.

1. You are not stupid.

Welcoming the idea of rekindling the relationship with your Ex does not mean that you are losing your mind. You are a human being capable of emotions. It is only natural that you chose to open your heart to the possibility of loving again - even if that means swallowing your pride and making yourself susceptible.

It takes two to tango and you must see to it that your ex also plays his or her part. Have they done enough to prove how much they love you? Have they fulfilled all their promises to you? If you think they still haven't then you are bound to get disappointed. Even if you love them to the point that you will choose to accept everything that is not good, that will not make your relationship a good one. You both might end up repeating the same mistakes you did when you broke up.

2. What they say doesn't matter.

Who cares what they have to say? This is your life. For sure, people will judge you and your second shot in that relationship won't be an easy road. If your ex really is worth it of a second chance, what they say won't even matter. In the long run, when you look back, what you will remember are not those bad moments but all those happy memories you have when you are with them.

3. Choose happiness.

Weigh your choices. Amidst all the additional weight brought upon the possibility of rekindling a relationship with your ex, is your love enough to sustain your feeling for them? If you cannot bring yourself to love another person besides your Ex then that just goes to show how much you still truly love them.

4. Apologize to your ex

Apologizing to your ex is the first step in getting him or her back. Of course, saying sorry alone won't be enough to get him or her back, but it is definitely one of the important first steps. After a breakup, it can be easy to blame the other person for the whole thing. However, usually we ourselves are at least partly to blame for being in our current situation.

Focus your apology on 2 - 3 of the key mistakes you made in your relationship. Avoid going on for hours about how terrible you were, and don't rattle off a list of a thousand things you did wrong. Rather, make your apology short and succinct. Of course, make sure that your apology doesn't drag the two of you into an argument. If you say you're sorry and your ex chimes in with their own example of how terribly you acted, make sure you don't get defensive. Instead, just let them have their moment to vent - the painful moment will pass, I promise!

5. Take the time to talk about it

See if you can get your ex to agree to meet you for a cup of coffee or lunch. (Do not beg - just ask nicely and see what happens! If they won't agree to meet with you just yet, just move on to the next step.

When you meet, make sure to contain your deeper emotions. The last thing either of you needs is to make an already-unstable situation worse by crying or getting into a fight! Make sure your ex knows that your intention is not to blame him or her. Just focus on the key issues and talk it out.

6. Give him or her some space

At first, giving your ex more space may seem like strange advice. After all, isn't the goal to get back together, not stay apart? However, observing this step is key. Spend a bit of time away from each other. Doing this will allow the heavy emotions to subside a bit, and even more importantly, it gives your ex the chance to miss you a bit.

7. Show them you respect yourself

In a situation where you want to rekindle a relationship with your ex, it is always to your advantage to work from a position of strength, not weakness. Strength is beautiful, strength is attractive, and strength is the first component of getting what you want. If you seem desperate and needy, your ex will feel almost no motivation to reunite with you. Another way to respect yourself is to take care of the way you look. Put a little extra effort into your physical appearance. Start working out or taking walks. Do your hair a different way. Get some new clothes.

If you are searching for a way to mend your relationship and get your ex back, skip the broken heart poems and quotes. Instead, put your effort and energy into getting him or her back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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