How to Reinvent Yourself - 
7 Practical Steps to Help You Reinvent Yourself in Life, Business, and Career

How to Reinvent Yourself - 7 Practical Steps to Help You Reinvent Yourself in Life, Business, and Career

I hope you’re having an amazing summer! 

The month of August is a powerful month. It’s the 8th month of the year. The #8 represents the infinity sign. Infinite Freedom, Abundance, Love, Opportunities, Fun, etc. You get to choose! ;)

Have you ever asked yourself this question: Who am I? 

Well, you’re NOT alone. 

Quick Story… 

In the summer of 2012, I was laid off from a long term corporate job. I remember it as if it were yesterday. At that point in my career, I had finished my Masters in Human Resource Management and had a successful corporate career. I had a meeting at 9a scheduled on a Friday morning. It was a “Catch Up” meeting. I thought we were going to go over projects, deliverables, etc. I went to the meeting prepared and enthusiastic and I hear the news: “We are restructuring the organization and your position is being eliminated. This is your last day.” 

These words hit me like a ton of bricks. Have you ever been laid off from a job that you put your sweat and tears in? 

I was being escorted out of the building, without having the opportunity to say goodbye to my colleagues, customers, etc. I felt defeated. I felt I was a complete failure in life. The thoughts in my head were: Why did I even bother going to grad school? All my work went for nothing? I’m useless, etc. 

I had lost my identity. I didn’t know who I was. I asked myself: Who am I? I associated my life and identity with my corporate job/career. When I lost my career/job I lost my identity. I was no one. I felt hopeless. I went into depression and despair. 

The reality was that for many years I was miserable in my corporate role and was looking for a way out. I felt trapped in that cubicle environment with chains and balls. I simply didn’t have the COURAGE to go for it and follow my dears. I was so afraid of failure.  Can you relate? Have you ever felt that way? 

I felt that way because I was in my comfort zone. I was miserably comfortable. Sound familiar? 

I was so committed to getting out of that cage that was sucking my soul and to truly step into my creativity, passion, purpose, values, and dreams. I manifested this reality. I was scared. I had so many fears. I didn’t think it was possible for me. However, I’ve reinvented myself so many times throughout my career and wanted to share with you these strategies to help YOU on your journey.

More importantly I’m committed to helping you achieve the same results.  So whether you are in your transition in YOUR life, business, career, or calling you’ll find these tips beneficial. 

Do you want to shift from being held hostage by your paycheck to being inspired by your purpose? 

Then read on… 

Reinventing yourself is an opportunity to start from square 1. You are creating a new chapter in your life and putting the past behind you. 

Here Are 7 Steps to Reinventing Yourself in Life, Business, Career, and Calling:

Step 1 - Acceptance - Accept full responsibility for where you are at this moment in your life and focus on the future you want to create for yourself. No need to blame yourself or anyone else. Focus on what you WANT and your VISION and GOALS. 

Step 2 Self Assessment - Do a self check and assessment. Ask yourself: Why do I want to reinvent myself? What do I want to get out of this process? What do I find personally fulfilling? What am I extremely passionate about? What do I value most in life? What do I truly want? What’s my vision for the future? What specific goals make up that vision? You don’t need to get laid off from a job you hate to reinvent yourself. You can take ownership and start the process now. 

Step 3 - Choose to Let Go - Ask yourself: What things are currently holding me back or keeping me stuck? What people, places, situations, habits and beliefs might hold me back from making the necessary changes I desire to make? Then choose to let go of those things, jobs, events, people, and create a clean and clear canvas for you to paint your new future with your own paint brush. You are an artist. You are the uncontested author and CEO of YOUR life and business. 

You cannot become the person you want to be by holding onto the person you are today. Let go of that baggage of the past. You’ve got this! 

Step 4 Dream Again/Visualize - Lots of magic happens when you’re in a dream state. Allow yourself to dream again. Since we are all storytellers then tell yourself a story about your future self and about the life you want to live. Imagine for a moment your future self at some point in time. It could be 5 years, 10 years, etc. See your future in your mind’s eye.

Then begin with a commitment to changing yourself and to aligning your thoughts, habits, choices, and behaviors with your future self. 

Your objective here is to permanently bridge the gap between where you are in your life right now, with where you would like to be in the future. The change begins internally first and then manifests externally in reality. 

Step 5 - Create a Structure/Plan to Succeed - One of the biggest challenges people have when it comes to reinventing themselves is that they struggle to stick with things for long enough time for them to see success. They quit before building the new habits, beliefs, and behavioral patters that would bring about the changes they desire to make. So have a plan and structure to get you from Point A to Point Z. I can definitely help you with a plan. 

Step 6 - Take Action and Be Consistent - Resistance is a natural part of change and transformation. Being consistent even with daily tasks go a long way in creating a big result. Little activities each day compounds over the course of 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, etc. Imagine if you want to transform your body by releasing weight. What do you do? You workout and eat healthy, right? It’s that simple. However, if you are not being consistent and taking daily action you’ll fall short from achieving the result you WANT. It’s no different from reinventing yourself and your dreams. 

Step 7 - Be patient and gentle with yourself. The reinvention process is a journey not a destination. Be kind with yourself. Honor yourself and celebrate small daily wins. Boost your confidence. Build your self esteem and belief in yourself. 

These are the 7 simple steps. 

I want to share with you Bon Jovi’s lyrics from his song It’s My Life which is so inspiring:

"It's my life

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life"

This is YOUR life! Have you taken on an identity that is NOT yours? Has this identity been handed down to you from your ancestors, lineage, parents, etc.? How would you know if you are living your authentic Self? Well, I invite you to ask yourself this: Do I feel fulfilled and content in my heart? If the answer is NO then you’ve inherited an identity that was passed down instead of having your own individuality. If the answer is YES then you are living your bliss. Your time is NOW

I help people like YOU connect with YOUR heart instead of being in your head. 

The time is NOW for you to show up for yourself, your dreams, vision, passion, and purpose. 

If you’re reading this message I know you were put on this earth to SERVE not just survive. Follow your heart and calling. Comment below with what resonated with you and where you are stuck. Let’s help you with a plan. 

I look forward to serving you. 


To Your Soul Discoveries!


Zina Solomon

Summit Host & Founder of Step Into Your Creativity

Jay Corey

Chief Executive Officer @ Constant Marketing | Entrepreneurial Business

6 年

Reinvention is important in life. It keeps us fresh and current. Great post/share as I’m noticing so many people going through this process of life themselves.

Bob Korzeniowski

Wild Card - draw me for a winning hand | Creative Problem Solver in Many Roles | Manual Software QA | Project Management | Business Analysis | Auditing | Accounting |

6 年

OK, so how to get around the catch-22? People reinvent themselves, reskill and try to get jobs in the new field, and oops, they get rejected for not having experience.? ? Career changers are treated as if they're like recent grads with zero experience.?



