How to reduce your Martech costs by 30%
LEAD’s No Bullshit Handbooks on how CMO’s can do more with less in 2024
If I told you I could cut 30% of your Martech costs, do know how much money that would tip back into your marketing budget next year?
The endless pursuit of seamless customer journeys, higher conversation rates, better measurement, and reporting mean that many brands now have a laundry list of Martech deployed in their business to deliver all these things.
The Martech sector responded those needs to the point where chiefmartec’s ‘Vendor Map’ is now unreadable, with literally thousands of vendors providing many of the same services.
And there’s the rub.? Most of you will have an overlap of Martech in your business that isn’t just wasting you thousands if not millions of dollars, but it’s likely also fragmented your marketing teams and partners into trying to deliver performance across them all.
While the answer is simple to explain, it can be extremely complicated to execute.?
The steps are as follows.
1. Take a Snapshot
This will not only detail every piece of Martech you (and your agencies) have deployed across your business and the features they have, but it will also outline the resource you have deployed internally and externally in order to run it, as well as the data it uses and generates.
2. Identify the Overlaps
Your snapshot will easily identify the overlaps in the technology, resource, skills and data that you have deployed across your business currently.
3. Align to your Goals
More often than not this is the “ahhaa” moment for brands (or sometimes the “holy crap” one), when you overlay the Martech and resources you have deployed to run it with your key marketing objectives and revenue driving activities.
Too often this exercise tells a story of over investment in areas that do little to drive revenue and marketing objectives.
4. Take out the Eraser
With your marketing and business goals overlaid on your snapshot, you will have a very clear view of the areas that are not a core focus of your business and are therefore being overcapitalised in both Martech and resources.
When you erase the areas that don’t align to your key goals you create the future state that is right for your business.
5. Plan for Transition
Arguably the most difficult part is drawing up a plan to move from your current state to your future state without breaking your business-as-usual activity.? But if you’ve risen to the role of CMO then these challenges are obviously what you live for, and are good at, so I won’t insult you by insinuating that you need any help with this.
But in case you do...
Where to Start?
As simple as it all sounds, the reality is having done this for clients that range from global brands to large retailers the Handbook we use at LEAD when we approach this challenge for clients has over 100 tasks to be completed by various stakeholders in your business (and that’s before you get to step 5).?
We’ve created and refined the Handbook we use to deliver this very solution for our clients over the past decade through hands on experience running dozens of these projects both globally and domestically.?
It’s exactly the kind of Handbook big consultancies would never show you but charge you thousands to complete on your behalf, and depending on the size of your organisation we might even run you a bill into the hundreds of thousands.
The good news is…I’m happy to give it you.
What’s the catch?? I’m not going to email it.?
Our Handbook is literally a printed booklet that details all the steps and actions you required including the tasks you need various stakeholders and teams to undertake in order for you to complete the above steps.
It’s a step-by-step guide to how we would run a project to solve this exact problem for your business if you were to hire us to do it on your behalf.
If you’re wondering why I’m willing to give you the IP we’ve developed over the past decade it’s because I am confident that when you see the value it contains, you’ll likely want us to help you at some point in your journey, or if even if you don’t, you’ll know who we are the next time you come across a marketing problem that you need help solving.
So if you’d like a copy of our Martech Handbook, then get in touch and I’ll be happy to hand deliver one to you.
Jeremy Leonard
LEAD specialises in delivering solutions that drive growth and efficiency across brands marketing operations.
We're totally independent, no hidden agendas, reseller agreements, or network alliances, meaning our advice is completely impartial and transparent.
Our mission is to empower clients to take ownership of their marketing with complete transparency across their media, technology and data.