How To Reduce Your Biological Age
Wade Foster MSc
Transforming Executives Into Executive Athletes through Sleep, Stress, Nutrition & Fitness Optimization
Have you ever observed two people who have spent the same number of years on this earth, but who look (and likely feel) years apart?
If so, then you’ve probably recognized that the aging process can occur at different rates for different people, and that rate can be greatly influenced by lifestyle choices.
This points to the idea of chronological age (how old we?are) versus biological age (how old?our bodies function).
What is Chronological Age?
Chronological age is the number of years you have been alive - When you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, you’re celebrating your chronological age. Your chronological age cannot be changed.
What is Biological Age?
Biological age describes the age that your body behaves and feels. Unlike chronological age, biological age is malleable and varies from person to person, depending on how healthy they are.
Lifespan vs. Healthspan
Historically, scientists used chronological age and lifespan as primary measures of a population’s health - the longer people lived chronologically, the higher the average lifespan, and the healthier that population was considered to be.
However, chronological age and lifespan bear no indication on the health of your body during the years that you live and are therefore not informative for a person’s wellbeing.
This is why the term “healthspan” has become increasingly important in healthcare, as it describes the number of years that you are healthy and free from age-related diseases rather than just the number of years that you’re alive.
For example, someone could live until they are 80 years old, making their lifespan 80, but they could have lived the last 20 years of their life experiencing chronic illness, making their healthspan only 60 years.
It turns out that reversing biological age doesn’t necessarily require a strict drug regimen or surgery, and can in fact be reached through relatively simple lifestyle changes.
In fact, since lifestyle factors impact how your genes are ultimately expressed,?your habits actually impact your biological age more than even your genes do. The following are a few steps you can take to decrease your biological age:
Chronological age cannot be changed, but Biological age plays a major role in how you feel and function. While chronological age cannot be changed, biological age is malleable and can even be reversed, allowing you to look and feel younger than your chronological age
By exercising, managing stress, and paying special attention to what we place into and onto our bodies, we can slow down—and even reverse— our biological age.
Wade Foster
PS. If you want help reducing your biological age book in for call to discuss my executive health coaching program >> BOOK HERE <<