How Reduce Your Belly Fat?
Dr Sunil Sable, MD, Holistic Health Coach, Author,Speaker
Corporate Wellness Coach/Hand Hold Corporates Achieve Holistic Health/ Consulted 10,000+ clients/International Best Seller Author /Ped Neurologist
Friend, today I am going to discuss about nutrition. At the outset I will like to thank Dr Jason Fung and Michael Pollen whose research and work has changed my concept of nutrition. Good food promote health, on the other hand bad food causes various diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and cancers. You might have heard about people advising to eat low fat diet, low carb diet ,high protein diet ,high fat diet. Eat that ,do not that etc. There is lots of confusion regarding what should we eat, what should not we eat, how to eat. If you want to be physically fit, if you are obese finding it difficult to lose weight, if you are diabetic and want to reverse diabetes, if anybody in the family have heart problems, hypertension etc., if you want to know healthy food habits then read this articles till end Because Today I am going to clarify certain misconception about food.
1) The incidence of obesity and diabetes is progressively increasing all over world. 2)Till date the concept about obesity is that-obesity is because of excess eating and less exercise. But with new research it is found that this theory is not true to certain extent. New research says obesity is because of hormonal imbalance-known as Hormonal theory of obesity. It is proven in recent research that excess insulin, insulin resistance and excess cortisol is responsible for obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Why this insulin is increasing and why this is causing insulin resistance ?Because of excess sugar and refined and processed carbohydrate consumption and we are eating more frequently whole day. Why cortisol is increasing? Because of chronic stress. 3)Low fat diet which various health organization still recommend for obesity ,diabetes and heart diseases is complete failure ,was based on misinterpretation of data and unintentionally caused more harm in fact new research suggest saturated fat in natural form is good for health. What is bad for body is trans fat and refined vegetable oil we consumes which is highly processed .
4)There is wide variation in food people consume all over world . some consume 80 to 90% of fat, some consume 80 to 90 % of proteins and some consume 80-90% of carbohydrate still they are healthy and incidence of chronic diseases and cancers are very less in them. But when these people started eating so called western diet containing excess carbohydrate ,sugar salt, sugar containing cold drinks and packaged food the incidence of chronic diseases increased exponentially. So these chronic diseases are not because of excess fat or excess protein or excess carbohydrate but because of refining and industrial processing of food and excess sugar. Point 5)The food we should eat are whole unprocessed cereal, pulses, beans ,vegetable, fruits, roots, yogurt, eggs, poultry, fish etc. We should eat from 9 am to 7 pm so that pancreases and insulin get rest for 14 hours so that insulin sensitivity is maintained. On should eat 75% of the capacity of stomach. We should do intermittent fasting to keep fit. You can do it various ways like eating two to three times per day within short widow of 8 hours(between 10 am to 6 pm) or skipping two dinner in week. We Should do light walking after eating.
On should completely avoid packaged food, sugar containing and caffeinated cold drinks ,junk food, refined carbohydrate, trans fat, High fructose corn syrup. Should avoid frequent snacking. Avoid animal food or poultry which is grown with the help of hormones and antibiotic because it enter the food chain and causes various diseases. Prefer organic food as far as possible. Avoid vegetable and fruits which are grown with help of fertilizer and insecticide as these are carcinogenic. Prefer food grown on organic farm. I hope I have clarified every doubt about nutrition. If you like the article share with your friends an family members.