How To Reduce Taxes As A W2 Employee.

How To Reduce Taxes As A W2 Employee.

???? So if you are an employee?or an entrepreneur, it is vastly different. Taxes come straight out?of your paycheck, and you get to live on?what's left. Now you could choose that and think that's a cool life or you can have a?company. I don't care if it's a side hustle.? I'm going to teach you to make it a hustle so you're really making money. Now you live?in companies. Companies make the money,?not you as an individual. Your?EIN Tax Identification Number for?the company makes the money. You get 81,000 pages of deductions in the United?States, and then you pay tax afterwards.?


???? So which tax structure do you want? I prefer only living corporate life,?being an entrepreneur. But a lot of you,?you're going to live both, and it is the?number one way to do it. How are?you investing? When you invest, you get?huge depreciation schedules. So as an employee,?you can invest in gas and?oil, which is the number one. You could do aviation. Obviously real estate?gives a depreciation schedule, mineral rights,?water rights. There's different strategies?in investing that a lot of people don't pay?attention to, and a lot of your CPAs aren't paying attention. ?If you invested differently,?you'd have a better tax structure?and you'd have a better tax return.


???? So it's not just about how you're getting?paid. It's also the investments that?you're making. And a lot of people don't?talk about those distinctions. Living corporate life means living inside the?company. So if you sent, Loral Langemeier money,?I'm going to send it back to you because I?don't want it. I have no reason to take it. I want it to be paid to a company.


???? The company makes money because it has?a legal reason to do it. So whether it's?real estate, whether it's this education,?you want to buy a book, you're?paying a company to get the book?from it. If you go to Make Your Kids?Millionaires, that company makes the money. And then because the company's making? money, it gets deductions. It gets the?cost of goods of the book. It gets the?depreciation schedules of real estate.??So as a company living corporate life?gives you 81,000 pages of tax code.


???? So?what does that mean to you as an employee?? Well, you've got to offset that big income. And, for a lot of you, as we get into some?strategy, why have a big income on a W2 when?it's the worst kind of money? There's qualities of?money. The highest quality of money is money that?goes into your entrepreneurial ventures. Those?are LLCs, S Corps, C Corps, limited partnerships,?trusts.

???? When your money's made in those?structures, you get to activate the tax code. If the money's coming to you,? your social security number,??and this includes that sole proprietor,? you don't get to do much because you??legally have no reason as an employee to? deduct your phone, to deduct your car,??to deduct a wardrobe, to deduct much of anything,? quite frankly, just because you're an employee.

???? Why wouldn't you live both lives?starting at 18? It is not about the?amount of money you make. It's not about?income. It's about intention. Do you want?to live corporate life and pay less taxes?? It's not difficult. It's just different.??And I have the best teams in the world that?will help support you to learn how to do this.


???? So only our Big Table clients get a three-year tax return review. We go back through,?and we help you restructure how money's made,?which then determines how you're taxed. It's a?really big deal. The standard deductions again, to an employee are a few. You're probably?going to get your house if you actually own your?house in your name. You're going to get some kids. You might get a spouse. I mean, not a?lot. It's that's why it's a 1040 easy?because it's easy and there's not a lot of?deductions you're going to get. So again,?you can claim medical.


???? What can you deduct from your dental, state, local taxes, mortgage?insurance, charitable contributions? You can do those 401ks, IRA, child tax credits. A lot of employees don't do is they don't gift to?their children. You can gift every year to your?children, which can be another be a tax. It does?go against their estate earnings upon your death. That's all part of the gifting tax structure. So?if your CPA doesn't know how to do it, and these?simpleton little, what I call tax box stores that?just pop-up during tax season, help you with your?1040 EZs. They aren't going to be very strategic. They will operate off of a software. They?check little boxes. They're not using 81,?000 pages of code. So we're talking about a human who actually consumes the tax code. Real tax strategists that know 81,000 pages?of deductions against those companies and that?company income. So before I continue and?tell you some like massive mistakes that?I see made all the time and give you a massive?gift. I want you to subscribe to this channel. I want you here five days a week, a family-friendly?channel. I want you and your five and up in your?household watching and listening.


???? I want you to?grab our journal. It's a brand-new journal and?start taking notes (connect with my team at 775-588-9200 for the downloads.). What are you learning? What?are you doing? Plus, it's a great opportunity?around the kitchen table during dinner to say,?what'd you learn from Loral's video today? What'd you learn, right? It's Loral Langemeier, the Millionaire Maker. Just share with a lot?of people what are you learning and what?are you going to do? Let's start building?a new action plan around what you want?to do with your money and how you want?to become at least a hundred thousand if you're not going to become a millionaire.


???? Mistakes that are huge is?staying a sole proprietor. I see it all the time.?People who do business as sole proprietor. The biggest mistake no one is telling you is,?while you're working at a hair?salon, nails salon, a lot of service providers,?massage, they're all sole proprietors. There's?a risk anytime you're dealing with a human. So, you have no liability protection. They can blow right through it to actually take your home,?take any assets that you have cash savings?versus put any money that you make from 18?forward into an entity. Entity then protects?you and only if any litigation happens,?they can sue with the assets or the liability. So you're only going to sue into the? entity. So you want to protect yourself,?but there's bigger, bigger repercussions?of this.


???? The financial services world?don't even see you as a real business because you aren't incorporated. So?it just sees you as what you are, just an?individual trying to make some extra money. They don't see you as a company with corporate? credit. So companies can get credit companies?provide asset protection, companies provide?all the legal deductions. So when you stay?small, and you wonder why you're not growing,?it's because you're so proprietor get out of?that status immediately.

???? In fact, I'm such a?fan as you know I say when you're 18 years old,?get your first LLC or entity that's?appropriate for what you're doing. I'm going to give you a link to a strategy? session. Please talk to our team about how?we can coach a mentor and guide you?through this. Our tax teams and our?corporate structure teams only come with?the big table. They do not come with the?income programs. We're just helping you?market and sell and make some money. Once you have that, let's set these structures?up and make sure that you never blow another?tax year. The big gift I want to give you if?you've not gone is the Millionaire Intensive Millionaire Intensive is one day, from 10 o'clock to 6 o'clock?Pacific. We do it every three weeks. And yes,?I teach it live. Because it is critical?and there are economic changes,?political changes, things that are?going on in your world all the time. So I want you at the Millionaire Intensive.? You're going to learn about corporate life.??You can have a strategy session. In?fact, I encourage you to have two,?one before and one after. Make a decision on?the problems that you think you have.


???? Our teams are going to dissect and say, hmm these are all the gaps we see in the problems?you have. This is the way we can help solve?and create the solution. So have a strategy?session, show up to the Millionaire Intensive.??State of the end. We do a marketplace, and you?can make money, sell whatever you're going to?sell because you need to become a business and?the money needs to go in your business account. So if you have any questions,?go to


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