How To Reduce Stress and Work Smarter Not Harder (Part 1)
Claire Rich
High Performance Mindset Coach for Ambitious, Driven Business Owners & High Achievers ?? Master Your Mindset. ?? Raise Your Game. ?? Achieve Peak Performance and Success.
Welcome to the 7th Edition of The Mindset Matters Newsletter
I'm guessing that you are here because you're an ambitious, driven Business Owner, Corporate Leader or High Achiever with too much on your plate, and you want to raise, play and stay at the top of your game so you can get ahead of the competition.
This Weekly Newsletter will provide you with powerful insight and tips to help you master your mindset, so you can achieve peak performance and success and have a healthy mind, body and business.
Go ahead and subscribe now to ensure you always receive this valuable information.
In this week's edition of ‘The Mindset Matters Newsletter’ you’ll learn how to reduce stress and work smarter not harder in part 1 of this important topic.?But first check out our ‘Mindset Matters Tip of the Week’ below…
These two anonymous quotes are great reminders of exactly why we need to manage stress effectively in order to protect our mind, body and business.?As with anything, stress can be both a positive and negative driving force!?The trick is to develop self-awareness, so you know when the scales are starting to tip in the wrong direction because then you can take positive steps to reduce your stress and manage it better going forwards.
“To achieve great things two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.?Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.”
“If you don't make time for your health and wellbeing now, you will be forced to make time for illness later.
TOP TAKE HOME TIP: Invest time daily in your personal development to master your mindset, so you can create and maintain a healthy mind, body and business.?This is the way to a healthier, happier, more fulfilling, richer life.
How to Reduce Stress and Work Smarter Not Harder (Part 1)
The Truth About Stress
According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), “Stress is the No. 1 illness and disease of the 21st Century.”?In fact, stress in the workplace is the single most important cause of stress throughout the developed world. ?It is the major cause of ill health, poor productivity and human error. ?In a recent survey of financial institutions, 64% of employers regarded excessive office stress as the principal health threat facing their companies.??
Having worked with ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers for many years now, I know that looking after your mind and body is crucial to the success of your business.?Stress really is the barrier between what we are and what we can be.?It damages your mind, body and business often without you even realising!?So whether you are a Business Owner, the CEO, Director or Manager of a Company the message is clear, you must look after your health and wellbeing if you are to be the best you can be.
Why High Achievers Need the Secret Weapon
With the ever increasing demands of work and modern day living, it is a constant challenge managing our stress levels wisely both in the workplace and at home.?High Achievers know this more than most because they frequently operate in ‘superhuman mode’ trying to achieve their never-ending list of challenging goals. ?However, there really is no need to struggle when you know about the ‘secret weapon’ that will allow you to work smarter rather than harder, so you can be even more effective and productive.?
At Claire Rich we know just how to help you maximise your performance, wellbeing and success, so you can lead the healthy, happy, fulfilling life that you deserve!?But before I reveal all, more about stress… because if we are to manage it effectively, we need to recognise it in the first place.
What is Stress?
Stress is anything that makes you feel tense, anxious, worried, scared, angry, frustrated or unhappy. ?As a general rule, any event that significantly changes your daily routine is a potential trigger for stress. ?I say ‘potential’ because a lot depends on your natural inherited instincts, personality type and general attitude towards life and change. ?This explains why people react differently to stress.
Recognising the Signs
When normal every day events that you would usually take in your stride feel like too much of an effort (maybe a ‘disaster/crisis’) and start to get you down, then you are probably suffering from stress. ?Stress can be brought about by something relatively routine like the ringing of a telephone, thinking about next month’s quarterly meeting, a visit from a difficult relative, pressures of work, moving house, getting married, getting divorced, to something life threatening such as a car crash, serious illness or bereavement in the family.
Feeling physically tired, mentally drained (known as ‘burnout’) and constantly suffering from recurring minor illnesses such as headaches, stomach upsets, colds, sore throats, aches and pains, mouth ulcers etc. are all signs that you are run down and that your immune system is struggling to cope. ?Ignore these signs at your peril!
Why Some Stress is Good For Us
Of course, a small amount of stress is useful and good for us because it is motivating and makes life interesting. Facing up to challenges and overcoming them stops us getting bored and keeps us on our toes.?For example, the adrenaline rush you have before doing a Sales Presentation at an important meeting is needed to give you the edge so you perform at your best.?However, as with anything in life, it is important to have a healthy balance and too little stress is equally as damaging as too much. ?It can cause us to feel listless and unstimulated, so we perform slowly and inefficiently. ?This is why many people create mild stress in their lives to overcome periods of dull routine.?However, severe or ongoing stress can have very negative effects on your health.
The Damage Stress Creates
Basically, when too much stress affects our health and well-being, it can interfere with our work, jobs, home and social lives. ?Prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can lead to Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Depression and exhaustion. ?The negative weakening effects of this vicious cycle can then sometimes make it more difficult to do anything about the factors causing the stress. ?In extreme cases, it can lead to a physical and/or emotional breakdown, serious illness and disease.?So you see, as an ambitious, driven Business Owner, Corporate Leader or High Achiever you really need to be taking regular preventative measures to protect your health and wellbeing.?As well as that of any staff you employ, if you want to avoid the damaging effects it will have on your mind, body and business otherwise.
At Claire Rich we have created the winning success formula which forms the foundations of our ‘Richer Life Programme’:
The Solution
Anyway, enough doom and gloom about the cold, hard reality of stress because the good news is we have the solution, your very own ‘secret weapon’ which we promised to reveal to you earlier.?It is so powerful that we want to shout it from the rooftops so that everyone can use it and benefit.?It is Clinical Hypnotherapy… yes you heard me right - Hypnosis!?Using the power of your subconscious mind is the best and most powerful way to maximise your performance, wellbeing and success, and create and maintain a healthy mind, body and business.?
In a way it is similar to meditation but you don’t have to clear your mind and it is far more powerful and effective because it actually helps you to achieve your goals with minimal stress and ease.?Oh and before you dismiss it as woo woo or anything else… know this!?High Achievers use it because they know that it helps them to master their mindset, so they can raise, play and stay at the top of their game and be the best they can be.?Plus High Achievers are pretty smart and usually lead the way with cutting edge stuff like this before everyone else eventually gets on the bandwagon…which is why so many people follow them and try to mirror their methods and success. ??
Hypnosis is a totally safe and natural state that we all go in and out of every day of our lives.?Together we simply get your subconscious mind working for you, so you can work smarter and be even more effective and productive in all areas of your life.?But more about that in next week’s Newsletter Article – the 2nd of 3 about your newfound ‘secret weapon’.?
To sum up, we all know that stress is always going to be a part of life but if you want and need to change how you deal with it to protect your mind, body and business and get better results, then Clinical Hypnotherapy is exactly what you need.?So don’t forget to look out for Part 2 of this Newsletter Article next week…and in the meantime remember to take care of your mind, body and business!
Are you an ambitious, driven Business Owner, Corporate Leader or High Achiever with too much on your plate??Do you regularly take preventative measures to protect your mind, body and business??Are you working with a High Performance Coach who is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist/Expert of the Mind?
The Richer Life Programme
Our ‘Richer Life Programme’ is designed for ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers just like you who want to raise, play and stay at the top of their game.?This High Performance Programme uses a combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Life Coaching to help you achieve serious success so you can be the best you can be.?Please DM me or email: [email protected] to book a call and receive your copy of our ‘Richer Life Programme Brochure Pack’.?I’d love to help you find the way to a richer life.
I’m Claire Rich, a highly trained and experienced High Performance Mindset Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.
I am also the Founder of ‘The Richer Life Programme’.?The High Performance Programme for ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers who want to maximise their performance, wellbeing and success so they can be the best they can be.
I believe that when you look after your mind and body, you have a healthy business and this is the way to a richer life.
Send me a DM, email: [email protected] or telephone (01245) 444105 / 07734 059610 to book a call.?
I’d love to discuss how I could help you to raise, play and stay at the top of your game, so you can achieve your goals with minimal stress and ease.??
Well that’s all from me for this seventh edition.?I hope you have enjoyed it and found it useful to learn how to reduce stress and work smarter not harder in part 1 of this important topic. ?I look forward to sharing more interesting, powerful insight and tips to help you master your mindset next week.
In the meantime, let me know what you think in the comments below.?Also if you have a specific question or topic that you’d like me to address in future editions of ‘The Mindset Matters Newsletter’ please email me at: [email protected].?I’m keen to receive your feedback and any suggestions you may have.
As always, please share this Weekly Newsletter with other ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers that you know who also want to master their mindset and achieve peak performance and success.?Together we can spread the word about the power of the mind and help as many people as possible to raise, play and stay at the top of their game and have a healthy mind, body and business.?
Until next time, have a productive week.
Wishing you all the best on your way to a richer life.
P.S. If you'd like me to help you master your mindset, so you can achieve your goals with minimal stress and ease, then send me a DM, email: [email protected] or call (01245) 444105 / 07734 059610 to book a call.?I’d love to help you maximise your performance, wellbeing and success, so you can be the best you can be.