How to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy
How not Stress
How To Reduce Stress During Pregnancy | Blogkoopedia - When you're pregnant, there are days when you experience a variety of emotions (hello, hormones!). One of the most common feelings many expectant mothers experience during pregnancy is stress—stress on the baby, stress on the body, stress on preparing for baby's arrival, stress on life changes—you name it.
How does stress affect the baby during pregnancy?
Chronic stress can also cause problems for babies. These may include effects on the growth and timing of conception (pregnancy) of the unborn baby. They also increase the risk of future problems with the baby's physical and mental development, as well as behavioral problems in children.
Can crying and depression affect the unborn baby?
Occasional crying is unlikely to harm an unborn baby. However, more depression during pregnancy may negatively affect your pregnancy.
How Can I Manage My Stress During Pregnancy?
While it's normal to experience these emotions, prolonged or intense stress during pregnancy isn't good for you or your baby. In fact, constant high stress can even make pregnancy-related problems worse (such as trouble sleeping, body pain, etc.)—or lead to bigger problems, such as depression, weight problems (gaining too much or too little ), and even high blood pressure. Finding ways to manage stress is important for any mother-to-be—here are some stress-reduction techniques you can try.
Focus on your breathing
Deep breathing helps us get more oxygen into our body, which in turn helps our muscles, body and mind to relax.But how often do we really focus on our breath? Meditation is a good way to try (there are several apps that will show you how), or just sit quietly and take long, stomach-filling breaths through your nose and out slowly through your nose or mouth . Bonus points if you can breathe your way with a pampering like a prenatal massage!
Priority rest
While some pregnant women fall asleep quickly (especially in the first trimester), falling asleep isn't always easy as pregnancy progresses. Your body goes through a lot (you know, all hair removal is a contrived thing), and not getting enough rest can increase stress levels. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night and schedule a bedtime that will help you achieve that goal. A calming bedtime ritual can help settle your mind before falling asleep—some recommend a warm bath (not hot water!), a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea, soothing music, and little or no screen time. If you're not getting enough sleep, see your provider for more advice.
Move up
Adding some movement to your day isn't just good for your body, it's also good for your mind. Exercise releases chemicals in the body called endorphins, which can improve your mood and even ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. And don't let the thought of "exercising" scare or limit you—going for a walk outside is a great way to get your heart rate up. Fresh air and exercise can help calm your mind and boost your endorphins—win, win!
Eat Right
Proper nutrition is balance! Parenting is a lot of work (the desire to get pregnant is so real, mom), so one of the best forms of self-care is making sure you're getting a good mix of healthy foods (and plenty of water).Don't be afraid to treat yourself now and then - but remember, nourishing your body ensures you and your baby get the nutrients you need to feel healthy and strong, both physically and mentally. And don't forget to take your prenatal vitamins!
Let it Out
Sometimes sharing your feelings or concerns with others can take a load off your shoulders. Talk to other pregnant or new mothers - they can connect and even offer advice on what can help with stress during their own pregnancy. You can also try writing down your thoughts—keeping a journal, listing things you're grateful for, or writing down a to-do list when you're too busy can help you manage your thoughts and lower your stress levels.
If your stress is unmanageable, or you're concerned about your health or your baby's health, talk to your provider.
1. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people
We won't say this because we believe you are in control of everyone you need to interact with during pregnancy. However, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure to people who just cause you stress. For example, if you notice when you encounter your caregiver (midwife or doctor) talking to you in a way that stresses you out, find another caregiver who makes you feel calm, supported and excited (her Indeed given!). If visiting your in-laws makes your heart race for your place, let them know they can visit after the baby is born and you settle down. Spend time with your partner, with friends who are excited about your birth plans, and even find a support group with other women planning similar births.
2. Incorporate meditation
Meditation is a great way to relieve stress, refocus and find peace. Meditation comes in many forms.Consider the following types of meditation:
3. Get a good night's sleep
Sleep plays an important role in mood regulation. If you don't get enough sleep or the quality of your sleep is poor, you may be more irritable and prone to stress. If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or tossing and turning, consider the following ways to help improve your sleep:
4. Stay active
Exercise causes your body to release endorphins and has been shown to have many benefits such as: B. Reduces Stress. This is true both when pregnant and when not pregnant.
20-30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended, but even a 10-minute daily walk can have significant benefits for your body and mind.
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