How to reduce reporting errors
Analysis of human error rates shows that a normal person will make an error 1 in 4 times under a normal (general) stress environment – such as reporting a problem at work. Most work process are structured and in production environments they have well developed processes with detailed training. These processes are designed to reduce human errors by a factor of 100 or more.
When we have a problem at work it is normal that we will try to report this, but this reporting is not usually cover by our work processes and is uncontrolled and unstructured. By adopting a simple process we can reduce the errors inherent in this reporting by up to a factor of 100 or more, just like any other key work process.
Adopting a modern, mobile reporting application can introduce an intuitive to use process that records and reports all salient facts at a much lower error rate and help reduce operative stress by giving them a methodical approach.
Isn’t it about time we reported issues with the same rigor and attention to detail as we control our other work processes?
One Issue is a simple, user friendly, multilingual issue management solution designed to allow all your customers and colleagues to raise issues from their mobile phones and let you manage from your mobile, tablet or desktop.
Join us at IMHX2016 Stand 8A31A - near the seminar area in hall 8
Andy Hogg is an engineer and has extensive experience in deploying logical processes to resolve business problems. He is currently exploiting the opportunity to simplify life through mobile solutions at Akeman Solutions and deploying One Issue?