How to Reduce Image size in photoshop?

How to Reduce Image size in photoshop?

There are so many ways for reducing the image size. Such as online reducing API, image resizer, etc. But there is some simple technique in photoshop which help you with the image resizing in a short time.

Here is some way to reduce the image size and make it less than 1000 kb.

List of the technique:-

1. Crop / Resized image in lass pixel size in photoshop.

2. Save the image with Save For Web version

If you know photoshop you can use some simple technique for reducing the size. Here is the complete process:

Follow these steps for reducing the image size, and make your images editable in a new size with less size:-

1.Crop / Resized image in lass pixel size in photoshop:-

  • Open image in Photoshop: Go to the File menu at the top of the bar and Select open File>Open. For shortcuts, you can Hit CTRL+O on your keyboard together. You can also drag and drop the image in photoshop. 
  • Select the Crop tool and make the perfect sizing you want: Select the crop tool from the left side menu. You can use the shortcut for selecting the crop tool. For using the shortcut use C from the keyboard. under the top menu bar, you can see the details cropping bar where you can manually add the perfect sizing you want. After place the perfect sizing you can select and crop the image.
  • Save the image: After done cropping save the image quality by 30-70 percent. By that image will be in less size.

2.Use Photoshop For reducing the pixel size(crop and resize technique)

  • Open image in Photoshop: Go to the File menu at the top of the bar and Select open File>Open. For shortcuts, you use CTRL+O on your keyboard. You can also drag and drop the image in photoshop. 
  • Save the image using Save for Web technique: Go to file in the drop-down menu in the top bar Select Save For web option so the location will be File>Save for Web. You can also use shortcuts. For shortcut hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift and S. By that there will be an open and save the web bar in your interface. Select the preset to JPEG Medium. For Quality select 30-70 and save. By that, it will automatically reduce your image size.

Hope this article is helpful with reducing the image size. Please don't hesitate to ask any relevant topic or questions.


