How to Reduce Falls in Your Senior Living Community
Advanced Wireless Communications
Advanced Wireless Communications (AWC) is a leader in the design and integration of wireless communications solutions.
Do you need to reduce falls in your senior living community?
Falls are one of the top safety concerns in every senior living community. The bad news is, we can’t always avoid falls. The good news? There are many ways to reduce them and improve responses when they do occur.
Some of the common challenges that staff face include:
How can you reduce falls in your community?
What is ONE? Watch?
ONE Watch is a camera-free solution that detects falls. Your residents will no longer need to wear devices or use other traditional fall detection solutions like pull cords or pressure pads.
ONE Watch utilizes an advanced high resolution 4D radar that constantly measures resident position to the floor throughout their entire living space. ONE Watch knows when a resident is lying in bed, sitting in a chair, or lying down on a sofa. The best part? It's constantly monitoring 24/7, but it doesn't use cameras. So residents can feel confident that their privacy and dignity is maintained.
Falls are detected by ONE Watch being able to sense where a body mass is in proportion to the floor. When a fall is detected, the appropriate staff members are immediately alerted via two-way radio or smartphone.
Since ONE Watch uses 4D radar, it can still detect falls even when objects are in the way. For example, a sofa is sitting in front of a large window and there's a walkway behind that for someone to be able to open the windows and move the blinds up and down. If a resident falls behind that sofa and a staff member were to walk by, they may assume that they are just in the bathroom, not that they have fallen behind the sofa. ONE Watch is able to detect that hidden fall and quickly alert your staff.
To learn more about how ONE Watch by Advanced Wireless Communications can help with the way your senior living community manages falls, contact us or click here.