How to Rediscover What Makes You Happy and Start Doing It Again

How to Rediscover What Makes You Happy and Start Doing It Again

As children, we naturally spent our time doing things that made us happy, like drawing, playing sports, or simply daydreaming. We didn’t worry about whether those things were “productive” or not; we just did what felt good. But as we grow up, life gets busy. We have work, responsibilities, and expectations to meet. Sometimes, this means we forget about the things that once brought us joy.

I know for myself, as I got older, I thought I had to focus on serious things to be successful. I pushed aside the hobbies and activities I enjoyed, like playing sport or making people laugh. I convinced myself they didn’t fit into my “adult” life. But the truth is, those things helped me feel good and were part of who I was. When I started to bring them back into my life, I noticed a huge difference. I felt happier, more creative, and more myself.

If you’re like me and feel like you’ve lost sight of your passions, it’s okay. Life happens, and sometimes we get caught up in what we think we should be doing. But it’s never too late to rediscover what lights you up. Whether it’s drawing, reading, dancing, or something else entirely, reconnecting with your passions can make you feel better, more confident, and more balanced.

Let’s take a look at how we can bring back the simple pleasures that make us feel alive.

Why We Lose Our Passions

As we get older, it’s easy to lose touch with the things we used to love. Society often tells us that we need to be productive all the time, and that “fun” things are just distractions. We’re told to focus on our careers, pay bills, and look after responsibilities. And while all these things are important, it’s also crucial to remember that life is about more than just work and obligations.

When I was younger, I loved drawing and playing outside, but I pushed those things aside to focus on being successful in my career. I thought if I wasn’t doing something that would get me ahead in life, it wasn’t worth my time. But eventually, I realised that those hobbies were part of who I am, and they helped me feel happy and relaxed.

It’s common to think that what we enjoy is a waste of time, but that’s just not true. The things we love doing are often what make us feel good and even help us be better at other parts of our lives. For example, when I started playing sport again, I noticed I felt more energetic, happier, and even more productive at work. Doing something just for fun doesn’t make you less capable, it can actually help you be more focused and balanced.

But why do we forget? Often, it’s because we get caught up in the pressure to be perfect or successful. We worry about what others think, or that we’re not doing enough. We need to remind ourselves that it’s okay to take a break, to do something just for ourselves, and that doing something that brings us joy is not only allowed, but necessary.

How to Reconnect with What You Love

Reconnecting with your passions doesn’t have to be hard, but it does take some effort. The first step is to stop and ask yourself, “What did I enjoy when I was younger?” Think back to the things that made you happy, whether it was drawing, running, solving puzzles, or just spending time with friends. It’s likely that those activities still hold a piece of who you are. But sometimes, it’s not always easy to remember or find those things.

One of the simplest ways to rediscover your passions is to start small. For example, if you used to love drawing but haven’t picked up a pencil in years, why not try again? You don’t have to create a masterpiece, just start with a simple doodle. If you enjoyed reading, grab a book you’ve been meaning to get to. Start slow, and allow yourself to feel the joy of doing something for yourself without worrying about being perfect.

Another helpful way is to create a routine. It might seem like a small thing, but making time for yourself each day or week to do something you love can make a big difference. I’ve found that when I set aside a specific time for an activity, whether it’s going for a walk, doing a puzzle, or playing a sport, it becomes a habit. It’s easier to stick with it because I’ve made space for it in my life.

Lastly, it’s important not to let other people’s opinions influence what you choose to do. I know it can be tempting to want to share everything on social media, but sometimes, it’s better to do things just for you. I’ll admit, I once tried to get into crocheting because it was all over social media. But I soon realised that I didn’t truly enjoy it, I just thought it was something I should do. Doing things because you love them, not because they’re trendy or will make others like you, is key to reconnecting with your true passions.

Letting Go of Guilt and Enjoying Life

One of the hardest parts of reconnecting with your passions is letting go of the guilt that often comes with it. We live in a world where productivity is valued above all else, and it can feel like taking time for yourself is a waste. But the truth is, when you take time to do things you love, you’re actually helping yourself and the people around you.

I remember when I first started playing sport again. At first, I felt guilty for taking the time away from other responsibilities. I worried I was being selfish. But I soon realised that the more I took care of myself and did things that made me happy, the better I was at everything else. I was more focused, happier, and more relaxed, which made me a better friend, coach, and business owner.

It’s also important to recognise that the things we enjoy don’t have to be “productive” in the traditional sense. Just because something doesn’t lead to an immediate result doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. In fact, some of the most valuable things in life (like laughter, creativity, and relaxation) can’t be measured by traditional productivity standards.

So, instead of feeling guilty or worrying about what others think, give yourself permission to enjoy life. Do what makes you feel good, without any pressure to make it “count” in some way. When you start taking care of yourself, it will spill over into all areas of your life. You’ll be better at work, in relationships, and in your personal growth, simply because you’ve made space for joy.

Rediscovering your passions is a journey, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time. Remember, it’s not about being perfect or productive; it’s about finding what lights you up and giving yourself permission to enjoy it. Your passions are a part of who you are, and taking time to nurture them can bring a sense of fulfilment that nothing else can replace.

We often get so caught up in the demands of life that we forget to listen to our own needs. But the truth is, when you take care of yourself, everyone around you benefits. So, don’t feel guilty about doing things just for you. Whether it’s drawing, playing sport, or simply taking a break to relax, these moments are essential for your well-being.

Allow yourself to reconnect with what you love, no matter how “childish” it might seem. After all, life is for living, and the more you embrace the things that bring you joy, the more you’ll feel connected to the best version of yourself.?

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