How to recognize a True Sahaja Yogi?
Let's recognize who is not a Sahaja Yogi then.......
You are not a Sahaja Yogi -
- If you just have an image of Shri Mataji on your altar/ worship area.
- If you have knowledge of chakras and nadis but do not practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
- If you have been raising your kundalini and giving bandhan – mechanically – as you have seen others doing it – but have never felt any vibrations. Although, even in absence of the ‘vibration’ sensation, if you feel calm and composed, joyous just by being in the collective with fellow Sahaja Yogis, you maybe reaching somewhere closer to becoming a Sahaja Yogi.
- If you still have a tendency to flirt/ seduce/ talk rubbish instead of exchanging Sahaja wisdom etc. with people around you – both Sahaji or non-sahaji – you are still stuck at the Mooladhara Chakra – you need to clear your Mooladhara – otherwise Lord Ganesha will never let ‘Mother Kundalini Shakti’ to rise and let you taste the bliss of divinity. Please understand, Lord Ganesha checks your ‘Purity and Devotion’ quotient – nothing else matters to embark on your spiritual journey – not bank balance, not academic qualifications, not position or designation in the society – only ‘Purity and Devotion’ is going to impress Emperor Ganesha ..... and He is the presiding deity of Mooladhara – one cannot bypass HIM – so roving eyes, flirtatious natures, cheaters, opportunists etc cannot really rise or excel spiritually. Only ardent prayer and deep desire to rise spiritually can help a seeker to evolve spiritually. If you are a true devotee – Lord Ganesha will Himself cut off your negativities with His Para?u (axe) – but it will only depend on how true a seeker you are.