How to recognise a research insight with innovative potential?

How to recognise a research insight with innovative potential?

Do you want to take your research further? Innovation developer Cecilia J?dert at LU Innovation encourages researchers and doctoral students to come and explore how their research could become an innovation. One way of doing that for Lund-based researchers is by joining LU Innovation’s new Insights Programme – four breakfast seminars, starting on November 7th, which will be led by Innovations Developers Cecilia J?dert Widblom and Annika Lindstr?m .

Here's a Q&A with Cecilia on when researchers should contact their innovation office & what mistakes to avoid.

So, what is an innovation?

That's a good question. The simple answer is: come and talk to us! We are always curious about your research and tailor our support to the needs of the project. Together, we can explore how your idea or research results can be of benefit to someone else. It can be a technology that you don't know how to apply, or a method, service or product. Our support can include, for example, conducting an analysis of prospective customers and users and investigating willingness to pay or whether the solution should be protected with a patent application."

What mistakes, or pitfalls, do you want to avoid?

A common mistake is to come to us too late if you have exciting results. Please contact us before your results are published or presented during a conference, so that we get a chance to evaluate whether the solution should be protected in order to be developed into an innovation. We would like you to contact us a few months before you plan to submit your manuscript for publication.

What is required (of a researcher) to get support from LU Innovation?

Ideally, you should have some research results and be employed or associated with Lund University. As I said, we are always interested in hearing about your research!

About the Insights Programme:

Through a series of four morning seminars, LU Innovation's Insights Programme is designed to help you examine how your research or idea can create meaningful change. No prior experience in idea development is required—we'll start out on this journey together. Sign up on LU Innovation’s website by October 31st 2024.

M.Sc. Magnus Ivarsson

Master of Science in Engineering Physics , LTH

1 个月

F?r att kunna f? r?tt data att tr?na en AI p?, s? att vi kan f?rs?ka f? en digital m?nniska, ?r ett s?tt att p? n?got s?tt samla all data mellan den m?nskliga hj?rnan och dess kropp. Ett s?tt att g?ra det ?r att anv?nda telerobotics. Det b?sta s?ttet skulle vara att anv?nda humanoida robotar som ?r s? n?ra en m?nniska vi kan komma. Men de ?r dyra och vi har fortfarande inte tillr?ckligt m?nga av dem, f?r att styra med telerobotics teknologi. Elon Musk anv?nder sina Tesla-bilar f?r att f? data, f?r att tr?na sina sj?lvk?rande bilar och han kommer snart att anv?nda sina Optimus-robotar, f?r att samla in data, f?r att tr?na sin AI "Grok" att f?rs?ka bli en digital m?nniska. Det finns en chans att hinna f?re Elon Musk genom att skapa ett telerobotik spel d?r man anv?nder holonomiska robotar med tv? kameror och tv? mikrofoner. Jag bygger s?dana. F?r att f? tillr?ckligt med data mellan spelare och robot m?ste det byggas massor av arenor med robotar runt om i v?rlden. Ett s?tt att g?ra detta ?r att:



