How to Recession-Proof Your Career

How to Recession-Proof Your Career

I’ve noticed lately that the news has been full of stories about an impending recession. While economists can't prove precisely when a recession is coming, there are several economic indicators that could point towards a recession. As a leader in the staffing industry, I have to prepare for recessions as well. During the last recession, U.S. staffing declined by 28% before the recession began. I endeavored to be adaptable in the face of change, and molded my decision-making process to address the realities of the Great Recession. While U.S. Staffing did decline for a brief period of time, it was one of the first industries to bounce back  as companies cautiously began to hire again. The 2001 recession operated under a similar pattern in my industry.

Recessions are a natural part of our economy. They are like a forest fire. The fire is initially uncontrollable, but afterwards the grey ash rejuvenates the Earth, and sows the seeds for great abundance in the future. Recessions can be a time to reinvent yourself. Slow periods can be an opportunity for us to reskill in our careers and invest in our future. Just because a recession may be coming doesn't mean that that your career is in jeopardy. No matter the economic situation, if you remain flexible and maintain a high emotional intelligence, you have the ability to go with the flow. Here are some tips to ensure your employability during a recession:

 ·        Reskill:

Companies are always going to want highly skilled candidates no matter how the economy is performing. In fact, employers tend to look for higher-skilled workers in the midst of a recession. During the last recession, the skills required for any given online job posting increased across the board. My advice is to make a list of the skills that you wish you had, the skills that are becoming vital in your industry, and the skills you need to brush up on. Once you have that list, think of classes you can take or initiatives you can suggest at work that can build these skills and prove your commitment to your boss. Strengthening your resume with new skillsets will both prove to your employer that you are a vital part of the organization and position you for success if you do need to search for a new job.

 ·        Elevate Your EQ:

CareerBuilder found that 75% of employers are more likely to promote a candidate with a higher EQ (Emotional Quotient). Workers that listen, show gratitude, and strive to empathize with their colleagues at a deep level are more engaged, and engaged employees make for a more productive company, which will increase your employability. Strengthening your capacity for empathy and understanding will help you make authentic connections. Recessions are also a good time to reestablish lasting relationships with friends and colleagues in your industry, and in similar industries.

 ·        Be Flexible:

During a recession, a company can undergo many changes. Be prepared and willing to take on new and different job functions as the company evolves. Accepting shifting responsibilities and producing excellent work will make you indispensable to the company.

In a larger sense, even if there is no recession, the future of work will look radically different-- even in the next few years. While job creation will outpace job displacement as automation trends continue, these jobs won't look the same. For example, while a factory job in the past may have consisted of repetitive actions, the factory job of the future will require specialized technological know-how and critical thinking skills to operate AI systems. If you aren't flexible with the changing nature of your job description, you may be left behind.

 ·        Practice Self Care:

Remember that your career is part of your journey. You must find what about your work ignites the spark inside you! Economic shifts can be stressful and stress is bad for the workplace. 41% of workers said that stress made them less productive, and 33% claimed that stress made them disengage from their tasks. Be aware of your stress level. When you find yourself getting too stressed at work take the time to go on a walk, meditate, journal, or brew some tea. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Taking ten minutes out of your day to practice mindfulness can change your outlook for the better.

Of course, we cannot predict the future. There may very well be no recession. Regardless, taking these steps to prepare for uncertainty will help you find the joy in work and center you as you re-clarify your career goals. The work that you do to reskill, adapt, and improve your performance will make you a more focused and engaged employee that can ride out any economic downturn.

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