How to really regulate Big Tech

How to really regulate Big Tech

Good afternoon. How to regulate big tech is one of the most vexing challenges of our time. These are now among the very richest and powerful firms on the planet, with armies of lawyers and lobbyists ready to swing into action at the first whiff of regulation. Nevertheless, Australia, in its wisdom, has sought to ban its youngsters from social media. As our columnist writes, it's a classic example of woolly-headed utopianism. We've also interviewed the very worthy winners of our Decade of CIO Service awards; Stanley Mpofu, CIO of Wits, and Louise van der Bank, AfriSam's CIO. Mpofu recollects his early years at the varsity, and says he found the IT system in a "shambles". "Literally on my first day in the job, the vice-chancellor said, ‘Please go and fix that dysfunctional environment of yours.’” He rolled up his sleeves, and eight years later, it has a model IT environment. Van Der Bank, on the other hand, says the perception of the construction industry as staid and traditional was the drawcard. “When I joined, it was a keep-the-lights-on environment, but we’ve evolved the IT over the years to really make it part of our business and our business strategy."?

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