How Real Estate Can Save Your Marriage, let you retire in 2 Years and give you $250,000 a year after tax to live on for the rest of your life!

How Real Estate Can Save Your Marriage, let you retire in 2 Years and give you $250,000 a year after tax to live on for the rest of your life!

In recent years, divorce rates have gone down from the monumental 50% due to education rates going up. Educated individuals make higher incomes in most cases, which result in less financial stress when couples set down to get married.  While lower income couples value and respect marriage just as much as higher income couples, they are more likely to get a divorce because of financial stains on their marriage.

The graph below shows the numbers of the population per thousand - it requires reformatting to derive percentages of marriages which fail.

The two principal factors which lead to divorce are Sex and Finance Problems.

Couples such as the Clinton's overcome both obstacles by Bill eating out as long as Hilary is allowed to roll around like Scrooge McDuck on mountains of money. The average American family is not so fortunate but they do have a hand these days from the Government. 

Most people are aware of how Capital Gains tax rates at 15% favor investors over wage earners - whose income is taxed at more than double that. However not everyone is aware that home owners who sell their residence after holding it for 2 years can obtain an exemption from tax on the profit of up to $500, 000 if they are married (only half that for singles). Few homeowners have developed a home investment strategy to enable them to live tax free - with no need for them to work a day in their life as long as they stay married. Yet that is precisely how the tax laws are designed - to encourage marriage and home ownership while discouraging working for a living.

Can you imagine how your life might be if you had $250,000 a year after tax to live on? That is within reach of the average American NOW!

Of course you do not know how to do it - as you never even contemplated it.

As you were content (or were you) having to struggle to meet mortgage repayments on a 30 year home loan! Your accountants have certainly not been able to clue you in that there is a better alternative. In fact when I first designed a similar but much simpler program to pay off the traditional home loan in 10 years instead of 30 without you needing to save any of your income there was a constant stream of phone calls from accountants telling me it was impossible and could not be done. It took about a decade for the Financial Planning Industry to recognize that mortgage management was a key to wealth creation and that in fact the basic 30 year home loan can in fact be retired quite easily in just 10 years without any effort on the home owner's part - as long as they have assistance from professionals.

The same lack of skills and experience is why the Average Home Owner has not taken advantage of what is a really generous offer by the Government. It was not the IRS who thought up the idea of a half million dollar profit exemption for home owners every 2 years. It is anathema to  the IRS dogma. Yet the Tax Office is bound by Congress to accede to their decree.

So why are you not planning your retirement today or for 2 years from now? You do not even need to be of retirement age. Anyone with a brain can do it. It will help if you already have a home, a good FICO and some home  equity - but those are not mandatory ingredients. All that is really needed is the genuine desire to improve your financial position and to do something!

If you are one of the tire kicker brigade who find the concept interesting and would just love to learn more - please do not bother me. There are enough genuine people to help than to waste time with the "woulda coulda shouldas".

Only if you are Serious about wanting to improve your financial position ASAP and are ready to become a FINANCIAL SUCCESS are you to CONTACT ME with the Magic Word "SERIOUS"
Just Message me PLEASE!


