How to read your Palms The Jupiter  & Saturn Mount

How to read your Palms The Jupiter & Saturn Mount

How often do we take our hands for granted? Imagine for a moment holding a partner’s hand or even something simple like this pen. Our hands give us so much and yet their full potential is untapped. I Will show you how you can read the mounts of your hands, what their meanings are and how they relate to your life. What I’m about to show you is only one step on the path to finding and keeping long lasting love

Let’s get into the mounts. Today we will talk about the Saturn and Jupiter mounts and they are located underneath the Saturn and Jupiter fingers. So we’ve got Jupiter, which is right here, the index finger, and the Mount is located right below the index finger. Our Saturn finger is our middle finger and the Saturn Mount will be right there below the finger. The first thing I want you to do is look at the mounts is they will tell you how much energy you have available. How you tell is you turn your hand kinda sideways and curl your fingers in little. You can see these little puffy, areas in your hand and those are your mounts. We will start off by looking at Jupiter, which has to do with everything expansive.

When you have a Jupiter Mount, that’s puffy it’s got some energy to it that will show, you have leadership abilities, that you’re looking to tap into your ideals and you’ve also got some ambition. So you can think of Jupiter the Mount where you go for big things. If there are any markings on them. Example if you have a star on any of the mounts, that could represent a special gift in that area. 

Moving on to the Saturn Mount, the Saturn Mount being underneath the middle finger, again, check its puffiness, turn it sideways, and look at it. Saturn is our task master. Saturn represents discipline and duty responsibility. It’s our attitude towards our work. When we have Saturn energy, it’s a more serious energy than Jupiter. Jupiter’s much more optimistic. Saturn is much more serious like, let’s get down to business. Look at your Saturn mount and see how much energy do you have in your Saturn Mount? This is also a fun thing to do with, on dates, then you can compare your mounts, to each other and see how much energy is there.

If your mounts was flat, which can very well happen, this can change over time based upon how you handle your life. So if you feel like, Oh my Jupiter amount is flat, what do I do?

The good news is things do change. They definitely can change in the hands and as you build your own ambition you build up your Saturn, you’ll see that Mount start to puff up. And I’ve actually watched my own hands change over time. It’s really amazing. 

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