How to read a University Text Book

How to read a University Text Book

Before you start reading, know your reading capacity.

  • pages per hour
  • interest and understandability of the subject

Can increase this reading books on your favourite topics, new papers, never read gossips and entertainment blogs(unless that's your subject). You will easily get distracted.

Having a good note book is important.

Try Pomodoro Technique:

How to read effectively?

1. Flip through the pages - Time to spend - 15-30 pages per pomodoro

   a. How long is the chapter

   b. How long are the words compared to images

   c. Does anything jump out at you? Graphs, images, tables etc.

2. Go to the end of the chapter - Time to spend - 1 pomodoro

   a. Did they give you any sort of a quiz?

   b. Quiz will give the important information that should be gained from the chapter

3. Go to the beginning of the chapter - Time to spend - 1 pomodoro

   a. Read the bold print

   b. Titles, subtitles, headings: Break down of information

4. Go to the beginning one more time - Time to spend - 3 pomodoro

  a. First and last sentence in each paragraph

  b. First sentence is the introduction

c. The last sentence of the paragraph helps you sum it up

5. Now you have got the preview - Time to spend - n(fix a number) pomodoro

  a. Start reading the chapter and make your notes on it


Note taking; I prefer OneNote from Microsoft with iPad. Because of endless paper and I prefer noting them down with images.


