How to reactivate Facebook ad account
Hey, guys. I want to share my experience recovering a banned ad account and some tips for preventing the Facebook ad account to be banned.
The main challenge right now is that Facebook tries to limit the number of accounts that aren’t being used.
So if marketers have 100+ accounts under their name created and don’t use them all, then Facebook bans those to “prevent abuse and fraud” as they say.
Now having a backend account (accounts) is a must for every advertiser, in my opinion. Just as a best practice, you must have 2 business managers and as many ad accounts open as possible in each of them.
Why? You never know when you might need them. Maybe you decide to promote some offers, or your main ad account gets disabled. Maybe you want to increase your volume and spend more on ads, reach more people. Having a backup plan is always good.
Now, you ask, if I have 5 or even 100s of ad accounts, FB will ban them, so what’s the purpose of having them?
They don’t have to be banned.
Here’s how to easily prevent your accounts from being banned. That will require few dollars to spend but might be worth it 100% long-term.
What you need to do to prevent accounts to be disabled:
Run ads for each of them every 50 days. These can be low budget ads, $5 or so, and what you can do to make it worthwhile for you is to use the video you use to promote your product and use video views campaign for that video for $5. You can then retarget those viewers from your main ad account.
SO in FB eyes, this account is now active, so they won’t disable it. You saved it!
Now if the worst has already happened. You running ads on a decent budget and suddenly your account gets disabled.
You might be even in the whitest of whitest niches, like eCommerce and sell completely compliant products.
Now the first reaction for you will be probably this:
But then you decide that you need to fix it, no matter how angry you are.
If you have an FB rep, they resolve it for you really quick most of the times especially if no policies have been violated.
So why FB deactivates totally harmless ad accounts?
From what I’ve been told it’s because of how their system detects non-compliant ads.
And the system isn’t perfect.
So sometimes you would receive this message:
o you can’t run ads, advertise your business and make money. So how do you fix it?
The first option is to write them to the button that appears on the message. It says contact us. You can definitely write to Facebook and describe your situation.
Sometimes they would just get back to you with a canned response:
Hi Alexandr,
Thanks for contacting Facebook.
It appears that your account has been disabled which would prevent me from reviewing any ad in particular. You will need to go into your ads manager and appeal your disabled account before any ads can be reviewed and set live. You can also follow this link to appeal a disabled account:
Did you find our support helpful?
Let us know how you feel:
Have a great day!
Facebook Ads Team
So you have to use other ways to get in touch with them. I’ve found a trick to get around canned responses and GET responses from Facebook.
I reach out to Facebook using their support tab: But DON’T say in this case you are contacting them about the BANNED AD ACCOUNT. This query might go into the wrong hands and take a lot of time to get resolved.
Instead, say it’s about DELIVERY OF YOUR ADS:
This way, you are saying something happened with the delivery of my ads and it has to be fixed.
And here’s the exact email template I’ve used to get in touch with the Facebook:
Hello Facebook team. My ad was rejected. This should be some mistake because we are selling eCommerce products. can you please double check and approve my ads? We are always trying to be compliant with Facebook policies and we sell eCommerce products. Please specify what we have to change to get them approved.
Kind regards,
After a few hours I’ve received this response:
So that is it. Just make sure to contact them through support page and explain what is your business model. The more explanation and reasoning you give them, the better the chances you will recover your account fast.
Now here’s another template I’ve used to recover the eCommerce ad account. I’ve used the same process. Reached out to them through gave them a reasoning for recovering an ad account:
Hello, Facebook team.
I have a huge update on my situation. I’ve been thinking very hard about why this account got shut down especially since we have high positive feedback and my ads haven’t been disapproved in a long time.
I believe I figured it out. We might have used the ad copy that could be interpreted as misleading by Facebook.
Here’s the ad copy:
Here’s our Top 10! Overwhelmed with all the posh entries it was SOO hard to pick! But NOW It’s your turn to pick your favorite!! To place your vote just click “LIKE” on your favorite images.
The picture with the most “LIKES” wins a $50 gift certificate to our shop, 2nd place gets a $25 gift certificate, and all other 8 finalists get $5 gift certificate!
Voting ends on Sunday, Sept 30th at Midnight.
Winners will be announced the following day.
We understand that it could be misleading for users and our first goal is to comply with Facebook policies and make the user experience great.
I would like to ask you to reconsider your decision given the circumstances as I think it would be fair based on our long-time cooperation with Facebook and positive engagement from our audiences (our relevancy scores are very high).
Kind regards
Again, the next day I got the response:
But what if you do some more grey/ black hat stuff? ??
Or just something that is on the edge between compliant and non-compliant with Facebook, like supplements.
You can still try to recover the ad account. Again you reach out to them through
This time Facebook said we are promoting GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES which we were not.
And again, you are being very specific about what you do and your business model. Here’s the exact email template I’ve used to recover the ad account:
Hello, Facebook team. IT seems the delivery of our ads had stopped on Facebook.
What could have happened is that one of the affiliates sent our traffic to a wrong website and that might have triggered a disability of the ad account?
We are advertising training that helps people start a business by selling products on Amazon. According to Amazon, there are now over 2 million sellers worldwide, which account for over 40% of the total units sold on Amazon.
We disclose this opportunity includes work that people have to do. We always try to comply with Facebook policies.
We want to comply with Facebook policies and advertise without any issues. We don’t advertise GET RICH QUICK schemes. In fact, we disclose that not everyone is succeeding with our programs because not everyone is putting enough effort into starting and growing their business.
Please help us with being compliant and advertise on Facebook. We want to be compliant and we will do what’s necessary to be compliant with Facebook ads policies.
Kind regards
So that’s what worked for me. Hope it will help you too! If you have any experience with recovering ad accounts or some tips to share, please do so in our community Facebook Ads Rockstars:
Happy crushing it with Facebook ads!