How to reach our goals and not to quit
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How to reach our goals and not to quit

We all know importance of goal settings and we heard about this billion of times, read millions of times and tried different techniques hundreds and thousands of times. Many of you may notice that sometimes it does not work for us as a part or as a whole. Why?

Who never tries, never knows! Yes, true, in order to find the answer we have to try it, but we are limited in our resources and it means that we cannot experiment for ages with some trying.

Shortly, I'd like to share my experience and my vision on different theories and advises which I count as the best ones to help identify the beneficial way of goal management.

Aspect 1. We set our goals in a right way. Yes, we all know, it is written in every book, told in seminars or workshops, but somehow I paid attention that people jump into some unrealistic flow and they loose the essence of reality, disconnecting themselves from the environment or having different perception of universe around. It happened to me as well and it did so many times. What's wrong here? I set the goal accordingly to all the theories given to me from different gurus like my aim should be countable, with deadline and stages within. Or, my target should be measurable and noticeable. So many different criterion and paper or Excel sheets used. Some time later the bitter true surprise happens to show that no predictions and calculations work. Strange, no? Coming back to such a simple phrase: "set your goal in a right way" may work if we change the angle of perception a bit and look differently at this phrase and meaning behind. You surely may have your own perception and thousands different ones, but I share as I see it myself based on my inspiration (later here you may find what). Setting goal correctly has a bit wider meaning: First of all we have to identify reality of the aim, and identification of reality comes from consciousness of our reality at present. If you are a student and you have no working experience yet, there is no sense to consider the goal of a senior specialist. Most probably (not in fact) that you will need to gain an experience before. The faster you understand this, the more you save. Same, if you live in a certain place which limits you somehow (no good internet or delivery service is not good or whatever else what may stop you in your business). Bottom line, before "setting the goal properly" you need to answer honestly to yourself: where you are, what you are and how you are. Those ones will help you understand how to set your goal properly. I don't say here pessimistically strictly "no", or you should forget about dreaming and stop even thinking of. No, not this way! You just need to correctly evaluate your starting point! If you dream to study a new profession and you work or have family and you have around 30 min per day to do it, there is no sense to estimate one month to complete your study if there are 2 hours a day expected for this study. By the way, today many online platform present the time scope for the courses which are definitely measured on average time to be spent. It is a smart tool allowing you to estimate your goals and understand how much time and how many days you may spend for completing this goal. As you may notice we do not quit of the idea to study, we just make it correct and set the correct measurement and goal. It looks simple, and many of you may say, there is no innovation in this idea and yes we know how to evaluate our aims and so on, but quite often we forget the difference between idea and its implementation. If you set the goal with 2 hours activity per day, you should accept the fact that you may not miss those 2 hours on any day. If so, you are increasing your chances not to complete your actions and achieve targets. It means here that we need to organize ourselves in the way that we will be ready to spend those hours with no matter what may happen to us, rain and snow and what ever else. We need to be honest to ourselves and if in this self analysis we find that we are not ready to spend two hours but we really want to study - we may start another analytics and find the way how to change our conditions, personality or environment and have those hours to do. Same may refer to financials, and if you don't have enough means to pay for your instruments to reach your goal, try to think where you can cut your expenses and do more savings to make your dream come true. This true evaluation will help you understand your real starting point and what to do if you want to make changes.

Aspect 2. Aims pay off, but you have to pay first. As in the first aspect we evaluate smartly our condition of where we are to set the correct goal and we may even be ready to change something to move faster or more efficient to reach our goals, but we need to understand that every move and every change has its own price. So there is price for the whole aim in general. It might be different for each of us, because we all sit on different levels and branches, but definitely we have to pay for it. If you want to have more hours, you need to cut those ours from something in your daily routine, if you need more money, you save, if you need more power to resist, you work at yourself and increase your endurance (you stop smoking or having alcohol for better sleep and save an additional hour for study etc). Before you start to pay, you need to answer honestly if this is the one I really want to do.

Aspect 3. We really need to understand what we want, and what we really want. It happens very often when we fail because we start paying prices for reaching our goals and suddenly we lose the value of our goal and we switch and try different. So, how do we know what we really want and what we want from our goal. This is something you have to answer and answer honestly. If you answer properly and you find your real mission, you will increase your chances to be in safe zone. If you need give each try to each mission to understand exactly what is your real mission you want to implement, pay minimum and work toward the aim to understand this. It is also a goal, by the way or it can be subgoal for you to reach something bigger. You can invest to books, psychologist or visit seminars and you will pay for this, but this is something valuable to help you understand your real mission. When you see your mission real, with passion of what you achieve, it will be much easier, less painful to pay higher prices to reach your target.

Aspect 4. Analyse your conversion. When you pay price, you need to see your gains from this. You study, so answer honestly, what do you get from this study, you can build an app for Android or you can cook the best food in the world. If you are able to build your own app after 3 month of permanent learning routine and you get your first dollars, you may consider that you are able to convert your study to your work and if you pay 100 bucks a months and you do 150, you may consider even profit from your study, if not be patient (of course if you believe to what you do to reach your goals, if not, go to Aspect 3 and read it again). Measurements are important in setting our goals, but only after Aspect 1 (we understand our initial point and what we need to change if we want so), Aspect 2 (we are ready to pay for reaching our dreams), Aspect 3 (we answer our questions "why" to understand personal importance of what we do and value to be paid). When we assembled all that we start reaching and we measure and we see, how many days, hours, money our free time we spent to get this or that and what is this and that - here we measure and measurement is something individual you need to identify for yourself - or you bring money back, or you change your environment and people around you or altogether, it matters for all of us differently depending on what we expect and what, but definitely we need to evaluate and see where we are.

To finalize my short article and sharing my thoughts and inspirations, I would like to shape some more things about the aims themselves. I think it is much easier to reach the ecological goals, when they create and do not destroy, when they cooperate and do not compete. There is one very simple reason for that - all people want to reach the goals, and if your goal helps other people to reach their goals, they will help you not to stop and support you to proceed, just for only one reason - they will need you!

Many thanks to Maria Azarenok ( from Azarenok Pro ( for inspiring me to write this article and share brilliant ideas. I am completely agree with her ideas and thoughts which are practically proved with best possible results. She is a brilliant speaker and good practitioner and I hope soon to see her ideas translated into English as well.

Many thanks for reading, I appreciate sharing and commenting this article, and many many thanks for likes


Andrey Bakuley


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