Hey Team...

I have to bring this up today....

So many of my coaching clients, when I do their initial intake, admit to me they are not 100% satisfied with what they are doing...

One question I always ask is, "Are you currently 100% satisfied and thriving in what you are currently doing?"....

When I hear that they are not... 

I get it...

And I will have you know,  it does not always mean a career change or a radical 360* change is necessary....

Often times they are just out of alignment...

What do I mean?

Well.. they have been doing it for a long time... "it" being their job, their habits, their routines... and because of it.. they are a bit stale!

They need a little spice...

They need a new challenge..

They need to feel like they did when they were about to take a new challenge years ago...

They need to make sure what they are currently doing, and how they are doing it is in line with what they really want out of what they are doing.....

I find this to be very true.... Many people stop challenging themselves...

They stop trying to swim in the deep end of the pool again...

Conservative, comfortable... accepting of their current "reality"....


The human mind needs constant growth, constant challenge, constant development and mining... 

So what do we do Coach?

How do we break the funk?


-Take out a sheet of paper....

-Write down all the things you are "hesitating" to do....

-Today.. pick one one of those things and start making it happen...

-Manufacture it!

We have to take immediate action...daily action leads to momentum....

Daily action.

When you first start taking action, you may feel some resistance.. but work through it..

You are pushing the boulder up hill.. but that is part of the process...

Start pushing again...

No matter where you are at in your life, never accept doing things in a status quo state...

No matter how good things may seem... there are other people out there who are not accepting the status quo, but challenging it....

And as a result..if you do not stay hungry... you will soon become frustrated and extinct because you will be left wondering "how did they do that... and how am I now struggling?"....

Take action Now.


If you are looking for personalized coaching with me, apply here. 



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