How R&D Tax Credits can help you get funding for your business

How R&D Tax Credits can help you get funding for your business

Many businesses at the moment are looking for additional finance, some because times are tough and cash flow is tight, others because they have thrived recently and have ambitious growth plans

Quite often a business owner will explore many finance options, perhaps with the help of a bank manager or a finance broker, in many cases the lenders require the business to contribute towards a project, but sometimes this just isn‘t possible.

So, what can you do in this situation? Money can’t be conjured up from no where. What if you unknowingly had this money already available to you? So many business owners are not aware that they are entitled to R&D tax credits.

 Take a recent client of ours as an example, he wanted to buy the business premises he was working from , he needed £50,000 as a deposit and only had £10,000 available. However he had installed a bespoke software system last year and he hadn’t realised this would qualify for R&D tax credits. A claim was submitted and 28 days later £52,000 was paid into his bank from HMRC and of course he could then go on to buy the premises.

Have you got money hidden in your business book a time for an initial free chat here


