How To Raise Your Vibration

How To Raise Your Vibration

This blog is all about raising your vibration, and in a recent course on raising your vibration one of the participants suggested I should share why any one would want to raise there vibration so here you go. 

If you raise your vibration you will experience; 

- Better feelings, the higher you vibrate the better you feel. All emotions are on a vibrational scale with depression near the bottom then it moves up and into anger then acceptance and on upwards till you get to hopefulness which is the start of beginning to feel slightly good. It continues all the way up to love and bliss. Your emotions tell you where you are on the vibrational scale.

- Your reality matches your vibration. If you vibrate at the lower rates you will experience more things to be depressed about, more things to be angry about. life will seem hard and as if it is always against you The higher you vibrate the more you will draw things into your reality that match that vibration. You will experience synchronisities and coincidences life will feels easy and magical. Who wouldn’t want that? 

Don’t make yourself wrong about where you are. It is just what it is. If you had know better you would have done better you are doing the best you can. Making yourself wrong takes you down the vibrational scale as when you make yourself wrong you feel bad and as I said above if you feel bad your vibrations are low. 

The wonderful thing about what I am going to share with you today is that you are in total control of how you feel you were just never taught how to do this. Consider this blog the beginning of how to do this. 

And there's so many ways that you can raise your vibration

  1. Focusing on the good in life - I have had some not so nice things happen to me in my life and I am sure you have too. When this happens if you focus on the good not only will you feel better but what ever is happening will pass more quickly. For example; I was living in a fabulous house in a fabulous neighbourhood with lovely people as neighbours, a stunning view, lots of peace and quiet (something that is very important to me) and nature all around. I had dreamt this house up and manifested it so was incredibly happy there. However I had given my power away to some other people and this whole wonderful life came crashing down. We had to move and the only place I could find that fitted our budget was a little flat above a shop. The walls were so thin that I could hear my next door neighbour cough in the mornings (he had a smokers cough). There was no garden just a concrete square at the back of the house. My other neighbour sold her flat and the hairdressing salon underneath and the new owner decided to renovate and turn the salon into a coffee shop. Did I mention the walls were VERY thin. I work from home and all I could hear all day was drilling and hammering. this was not the best home I had ever had. However knowing what I do I chose to focus on the good things. We had a roof over our heads, the neighbours were actually lovely people, I could walk to the canal and into town, the drive to my kids school was stunning and a lot quicker, and so on and so forth. I had no idea how this was going to change anything and I had to keep it up for a long time. There were times when I felt down but I accepted it was kind to myself and then refocused. As we came up to our years anniversary of moving in the land lord told us that he wanted to sell the place. Although moving was stressful and a challenge I was grateful because we didn’t have a choice but to move. The next place we moved to was so much better. There was a stunning view, it was detached, had a lovely little garden, and was in a quiet village. I cannot prove that what happened had to do with my positive focusing but I feel in my bones that it did. And if nothing else I certainly felt much better in my day to day life while I was focusing on the good that I had in it. And I'm sharing this because we have a choice over our vibration. You have a choice about where you focus your attention. Even when things seem like they're going all wrong you can still look for good in your life and choose to focus there. We are not always in control of what comes our way in life but we can choose where to focus in any situation. 
  2. Spend time in nature. This is one of the things that doesn’t fail to raise my vibrations. Make time to enjoy nature even if it is just a park. Listen to the sounds, feel the breeze on your skin, smell the smells and feel the textures of grass and bark. You can go for a walk or just sit and be at peace it is up to you. 
  3. Be choosy about what you you feed your mind. Choose things that you watch, listen or read that make you feel good, happy, positive or expanded. Our world is filled with a lot of fear based media. The news runs on fear as do the newspapers. If you spend a lot of time taking these things in you can’t help but feel worried about the state of the earth. And you might think it is irresponsible to ignore what is going on but how does you vibrating at the level of fear help anyone? I have found that if there is anything important going on it has a way of finding me. I sometimes watch rom coms. I know this is not cool but they make me feel better if I am feeling down and I need a lift. I also like comedy and a good laugh is the best medicine when you feel down. I also listen to Abraham Hicks which never fails to shift me up a level. 
  4. Having a sleep - If you feel particularly flat or down go and have a sleep. Sleeping resets where you are and will allow you to take a break from the negative thinking that you will have been doing. I don’t think it is a coincidence that depressed people want to sleep a lot. I think it is a way of turning off the negativity in the mind so that we can find space from it. 
  5. Be choosey about what you feel your body. What you put into your body effects how you feel. If you eat healthily you feel much better than if you drink a lot and smoke. I am not going to tell you what diet is the best for you because I wouldn’t know. You know your body and you know what makes you feel good. Go with that. 

These are just some ideas and I am certainly not trying to give you a prescription because I do not know you or know what makes you feel good. These are just a few ideas to get started with and there are a lot more. 

You can shift yourself up or shift yourself down no matter where you are. It is your choice to shift your focus and to look for the next thing that is slightly better than where you are. If you're depressed feeling angry is better than feeling depressed so allow yourself to feel angry. When you're angry then stretch for the next thing above anger that makes you feel better. But don't fight it and make yourself wrong for where you are. Don’t try to shift from depression to bliss as this will feel overwhelming and most likely make you feel like you are useless. Just look for the next best little step up. The next emotion that will make you feel slightly better. It's not about telling yourself that you need to make a leap across a chasm that just doesn't seem possible. It's about micro shifts. Every little shift you make helps you to increase your vibration. Having a bubble bath doing things that make you happy. 

So there's so many things that you can do and I've got a free course about raising your vibration (which I have linked here) with lots more ideas on how to raise your vibration. I hope this has helped you to realise the importance of where you are on your vibrational scale and why you need to look after it. Everything that you experience in life comes from where you're vibrating and you have control over that. You have the ability to choose things that can help you shift that vibration into a higher level. I

So much love from me to you


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