How to Raise Your Prices?

How to Raise Your Prices?

If you feel stressed, like you're always running on a treadmill, you never have enough time to get everything done, then you may consider it to be time to increase prices (and maybe even outsource some tasks.....reach out to us by clicking?HERE?to get that bookkeeping off your plate).

Do you struggle when it comes to increasing your prices and/or communicating such to your clients??The repricing conversation is both the most uncomfortable conversation to have with your clients, and the most necessary. Our advice to our clients is they need to raise their prices as they gain new skills, the cost of production increases or even just a cost of living raise.

Once you decide it is time to raise prices, research current competitor pricing, read up on their services, develop the new pricing structure (we suggest fixed fee or tiered menu pricing) and plan how you're going to implement the new structure.? After you've done this, start having conversations.?

Caveat: If you are currently charging hourly rates and your industry allows, we would suggest moving to a fixed fee first.

Here is how we suggest you reprice your clients.?

First, make a three-tier pricing menu.

Step 1. Decide which services are in each tier. The bottom tier may be compliance only and the top tier? could include advisory services.

Step 2. Next, determine the tier one pricing. One way to do this could be to figured out the base price for whichever initial client you are working on repricing. Calculate1% of the client's previous year's revenue as the base annual fee for that client. Then I would increase that base price based on complexity. I did have a minimum monthly charge that I wouldn’t change no matter the revenue size.

Step 3. Once you've determined tier one pricing, multiply it by 2.5 for the middle tier and multiplied it by 4.5 for the top tier.?

Steps for conducting the pricing conversation

Step 1. Demonstrate how you have helped them to date. Rather than starting with the new prices, I started the conversation with their business growth over the past year or years that I had been working with them. I specifically tried to show revenue growth.

Step 2. Define their pain points. From working with the clients, I already knew some of the pain points they had. I dug deeper into these pain points and asked questions to find out others.

Step 3. Break the price anchor. For me, I was way undercharging for a long time, and my low fee had become their price anchor - the amount in their head that all other offers would be compared against. I had to break that anchor.

This may not be the "right" way, but I simply said, "Your business has grown over the past 5 years, and I have grown as well. I've spent hours learning and gaining skills that I've honestly given you for free. If you were to hire someone with my skill set, you would be paying a minimum of $50,000 per year.”

Step 4. Explain the new menu structure. At this point, I would tell them how I was reorganizing my services into packages so they could choose the level of service they wanted. I would show them my menu (without any dollar amounts) and talk about where their current services fit in the menu. This also allowed me to tell them about some of the other services I offered in relation to the pain points they had shared.

Step 5. Show pricing. Finally, it was time to show them the prices of each tier. I prepared them by saying, “You have been receiving tier two services for less than tier one prices.” Then I brought up the pricing for each tier and worked with the owner to add in payroll or sales tax or cash flow analysis. This became a conversation in which we were working toward a win/win. I get paid more, you get the services you need for your business now and the growth that will take place.

How your clients may react to repricing

Your experience with your clients may be slightly different, but my experience was quite positive!?

I started with the clients that had been with me for the longest and had more movement in my pricing with them. One client actually tripled what they were paying me without even blinking! That compared to the other end of the spectrum with a client that couldn’t quite stomach any price increase. However, we worked together to remove services until we were able to arrive at something acceptable to both of us. Although the revenue didn't increase, my services decreased.?

Final tips for repricing conversations

Start the repricing conversation with these two types of clients. And think of the first couple of conversations as practice.?

1. Pick a client you wouldn’t mind losing. Go ahead and practice the awkward conversation. One of two things will happen - you’ll be relieved when they are gone or you will be surprised at how much they are willing to pay you! Either way, it is a great outcome!

2. Pick a client you consider a friend. Run the conversation past that client and have them give you feedback.

3. Bonus third option. Practice with a colleague who is in the same industry as you are. Have them pretend to be your client and provide feedback. Even better if this person is also wanting to practice the pricing conversation.

My final bit of advice is to acknowledge the misses, but don’t get stuck there. It’s okay to not get this perfect. Keep practicing until you get it right. Take every failure as feedback for improvement then quickly dust yourself off and try again.?DO NOT LET FAILURE DICTATE YOUR SUCCESS.

Celebrate big when you conquer your fear. Celebrate every win. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate – focus your thoughts on the amazing things you have done.


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