How to raise book lovers

How to raise book lovers

Ten - fifteen years back, most of us were book lovers, we used to buy many books and the bookshelf was the one of important part of the kids' room decoration. It was a pride for us to have lots of books.

Books were our childhood friend. Friends, who always give us something but take nothing in return. They never harm us. In Fact we got many ideas from them. We would remember our school days when we used to refer to multiple books to find the best answer. We loved to go to our library and find good books and magazines, it was lovely memories for us.

This trend is almost vanishing from our current generation, In fact they are losing interest in reading. Now they want everything on digital platforms.

The digital world is good but it requires more focus and attention, because kids start with one topic and without completing that one they jump in other topics. Sometimes they get diverted with games, video and social media. It's heard from them to be attentive.

This is the time that we would admire our books and give them proper space in our home as well as our hearts and pass on this ancient gift to our future generation. 

Now you might have a question about how to introduce books to them and inculcate reading habits. The best way to start this in their early age. children are ready to learn in that age. 

we can introduce reading by following approach-

1.Picture Reading

2. Alphabet or Number Reading

3. Word Reading

4.Sentance Reading

5. Fluent Reading

We can start reading by picture book to little toddlers, slowly introduce them to the alphabet and numbers then we could ask them to read words with the help of phonics. Gradually we can introduce them to sentence formation and make them fluent readers.

Same thing we can do with younger kids also, first introduce them to books as per their interest and slowly raise the habit of book reading.

This habit is going to give them wonderful results in future.

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