How to QUIT smoking - my story
I do not dare to write “how to” on anything, yes I fear challenges against my authenticity, I fear pressure groups and I fear if it doesn’t work for others. This is something that worked for me.
To quit smoking habit is something very simple and complicated.
Confused? How something can be simple and complicated at the same time?
It is how you see it. If you think this is simple, it is simple. If you think this is complicated, this is complicated.
In our age we have seen smoking was a symbolism of smartness, handsomeness; it was a proof of adulthood and certainly heroism.
At some point of time we believed that smoking empowers the thinking machine. Sometimes it worked as a protection from indulging into drugs and alcohol as way of venting out stress. It is a socially acceptable thing that causes harms to health, active and passive, spoils your money (in current context).
To cut the long story short, I started smoking to augment my poetic mind and to look smart and I was kind of sadist, I punished myself many times. Yes I was like that and I accept that as I found later on. I met many smart people later in my life who are really smart; smarter than me and they don't smoke, yes I have seen them myself. Then I started to try. Many times I tried to quit and failed. I did not smoke at home or in front of any of my family members. I failed quite a few times and I have seen others failures also. I was looking for a hook.
Despite all the health warnings they put on the packets of the cigarette we still smoke. Why? I discovered that it is nothing but the association to create the meaning in my head. I have associated all wrong meanings with smoking cigarettes i.e. smartness, handsomeness, thought provoker, relaxation, cure to loneliness, heroism and I thought it is not haram (forbidden in Islam).
Many people take risky endeavors to be someone larger than life, so health warnings are not enough. In a world where sadism is a fashion (rate of depression) health warning becomes boosters and temptation.
The day I understood even if it is disliked not forbidden it is not worthy of doing (I got the hook). I have associated right meaning to it, it is dirty (my daughter don’t like the smell of it) when you see piles of fag ends in an ashtray. I never wanted to dirty and smelled bad (2nd hook). Do you?
Why I spend lot of money on perfumes? Not to hide my bad stink but to smell good and to be treated as nice and good.
I tell you about a third hook, I saw some other people who did quit smoking; I saw their mental toughness that they achieved during the process which is an invaluable by product they got. Who doesn’t want to be mentally tough? I hope you do.
It worked for me; it has been many years now. I hope I am not too late to share.
Do you want to get out of this bad habit? Here is what you need to do.
Take one ashtray full of ash and fag ends and throw it on your bed and feel that dirt. Invite you’re your family members to sit on that bed. (I hope you won’t do this) Kiss your mom just after you smoke. Look at their face, their reaction. By the way how do you feel if someone throws smoke on your face? You feel elevated with joy?
De-associate that wrong untrue heroic phenomenon by associating something that you dislike i.e. dirt, discomfort of your family member, health injury, waste of money, and your religious obligation.
It is dirt, it is disliked if not forbidden, and you are worthy better than this.
I hate dirt, I am sure you do.
How come you do something you hate?
Who controls you?
Don’t let your brain control you again. Choose the right association and quit any bad habit. Don’t forget to fill the gap. Start doing charity with what you save, create value and meaning in your life.
To me the definition of Hero has changed. If you still don’t know what you want in your life you better search one. Find a role model and a coach. Be what you want to be.
P.S. This may seem like NLP; yes I agree this is how I have used NLP to quit smoking. (I am not endorsing all NLP techniques in the market as I am not aware of all). I learned that when your conviction is strong you feel meaning in sacrifice, give up something. It is much stronger and easy when you can connect it with your life purpose.
“Quitting smoking” is not the end of the game. It is a new beginning.